People Are Sharing Unexplained, Haunting Things That Happened To Them While Home Alone And They're Really Creepy

What's more unfortunate and unsettling than experiencing something spooky while you're in your own home, the place you're supposed to be most relaxed? Recently, u/ag9910 asked Reddit, "What is the scariest, strangest, most unexplainable thing that has happened to you while home alone?" Below are some of the most peculiar responses...

1."I was trying to sleep when my ex got out of bed to prepare for work. Sometimes he'd work out before showering, but for some reason he decided to work out in the bedroom. His breathing was really heavy and raspy, but I was really tired and tried to keep sleeping. I hadn't opened my eyes yet, but couldn't fall back asleep. His breaths were so weird that I got so mad. I turned over and opened my eyes to tell him to shut up only to find nobody in the room. The breathing had suddenly stopped. I got a chilling feeling. Then I got up to find that he had been upstairs in the shower."

A person under the covers

2."My parents had just left for a road trip, and I sat down at my desk. I thought, 'Weekend alone by myself,' and a voice yelled into my right ear, 'NO,' so loud it hurt."


3."I used to sleep with my door closed. One night, I heard it creak open. When I opened my eyes, I could only make out a figure of a tall man wearing a hat and coat. He just sat on my bed and stared at my door. This went on for a few minutes before he got up and left. I don’t have many memories of my childhood, but this one I remember very well."


4."Not home alone, but upstairs alone. I was sitting in my bed, and looked up when I heard my mom coming up the stairs. She walked by my door, looked straight at me with no expression, walked into her room, and closed the door. I’d said, 'Hi,' as she passed but figured, whatever, she didn’t hear me. Then, about five seconds later, she yells up from downstairs, 'Did you call me?' I am not ashamed to say I freaked the fuck out. She came upstairs, looked down the hall, and asked, 'Did you close my door?' Neither of us did because one of our cats would come and go in there as she pleased. Ma said she had very clearly heard me yell, 'Hey, Mom, come here,' from upstairs. I had done no such thing. I’m never entirely sure what I believe and what I don’t, but I was totally sober and not tired. I think I saw a doppelgänger of my mom, and she heard mine."


5."When I was younger I used to live in a super-old, shitty house in the middle of the woods. There was a small clearing, with an average-size yard, and the rest was thick woods. One night I was walking up to our gate to go inside, and I saw a tall figure looking into my bedroom window. My light was on, which was weird because I hadn't been in there, or turned it on, but I could see this figure with its face and hands pressed up against my window. Whoever or whatever it was must have heard me because they looked in my direction before booking it to the back of the yard, and presumably into the woods since there was nowhere else to go. I never slept in that room again."



6."In high school I'd usually stay up all hours of the night playing games. I had a large dog who would sleep in my room at night. It was 2 a.m., and I was finally headed to bed, but my dog wasn't with me so I ventured out to find him. I made my way across the house to the kitchen. We had an island in the kitchen with a stool that the junk mail was usually kept on. I called for my dog and saw him walk from behind the island to the dining room table set, knocking all the junk mail down."

"I flipped the light on — no dog. I freaked out and scrambled back across the house, finding my dog in my parents' room. The next day, I regaled the story to my parents and younger sister (who often claimed to see stuff in the house). My sister goes, 'Oh, that's the tall black thing. Sometimes it likes to crawl around on all fours.' Big nope."


7."I was 17 years old, home alone from Thursday to Sunday with our family's dog, who was pretty small and starting to have trouble climbing stairs in his old age. I'd been working every morning. I came home from my shift on a Friday, and the kitchen table was a mess. Napkins were taken from their holder, the mail was on the kitchen floor, salt and pepper shakers were on the other side of the kitchen, and one of the chairs was pulled all the way from the table."

"Our dog's never done anything like this, and I'd be especially surprised if he was even capable of climbing on top of the table. I put everything back in place. Saturday, I came back to find the exact same messy configuration. That night, I was convinced there was gonna be a ghost coming to get me, and I slept horribly. Sunday, I left for work and made sure everything was in order because I knew my parents would be back before I was out of work. On my lunch break, I called my mom, and she went, "Why did you leave such a mess?" My old dog couldn't have done it; I don't think he was strong enough to move the chair or climb on the table. Only time anything like that has ever happened to me while alone."


8."I was awake by myself one Saturday morning. My mom was home, sleeping in, but my dad had gone finishing at the lake. I was watching cartoons and making a fort out of the sheets and cushions. Something made me turn around, and I saw my dad wearing his pajamas in the hallway entrance. He had his hands on his hips, looking at the mess I was making and shaking his head. He turned around and walked into my room. I didn't even look; I just booked it to my parents' room and woke my mom up. I don't remember what happened after that; this was around 35 years ago. (And yes, my dad was fine — nothing had happened to him.)"


9."I got up in the middle of the night to pee and happened to glance out the window to my backyard to see a glowing yellow figure that looked like it was collecting soil samples. I absolutely shat myself and bumped into the sink. The figure stopped what it was doing and looked at me. I bolted back to my room and woke my wife, but when we went back it was gone."

"Funny thing is I've told this story to other people, and the wife of a friend of mine burst into tears and said she had seen the same thing when she was a child, but nobody believed her."


10."I was delivering pizza to a semi-country area late at night. This was before smart phones. The road had no streetlights, but I found the right house and delivered the pizza to a sweet little old lady. When I turned around to walk back to my car, something made me instantly stop. I felt a strange sensation that I wasn't alone and I was being watched. It was too dark to see anything, but I slowly moved toward my car, and the feeling didn't go away; it intensified."

A canine

11."My cat woke me up in the middle of the night. Not sure why, but I then heard something, so I got up to investigate. I wandered down the hall to the kitchen to see that every single cupboard (11 of them) top and bottom, were open. Like wiiiiiide open."


12."Footsteps on the roof at my friend's house."


13."I wasn't home alone, but I was the only one on the right side of the house at the time. I went to my mom's bathroom to wash my hands and saw a pair of feet behind the half-open door. I laughed and said, 'Very funny, Ma; I see you,' then finished up and left. Then, I bumped into my mother in the kitchen unpacking. Nobody else was in the house. I'm glad whatever was behind the door didn't peek out."


14."When my daughter was still an infant, her, our dog, and I were at our apartment while my wife was at work. I was sitting on the couch watching TV, and my daughter was asleep on a blanket on the floor. Our dog was about 10 feet away, and he starts making a low, guttural growling sound. I figure that he had heard someone in another apartment, so I didn't think much of it. As a few seconds pass, I notice that it's getting LOUDER. I can see out of the corner of my eye that he had lifted his head up off his paws, his ears were perked, and he was looking up at the ceiling above where my daughter was laying. I looked up, didn't see anything, told him to knock it off. He jumped up, started circling my sleeping daughter, and growling more and more intensely, even stopping once and out-right snarling and snapping his teeth, all while staring up at the ceiling."

"After about two minutes of this, and me having no clue what to do since I can't see anything, he laid down next to my daughter, rested his head on her back, and stayed there for almost an hour, still intently staring up at the ceiling and occasionally growling. To this day, I have NO idea what the hell was going on or what he saw/sensed. It was extremely creepy to me."


15."I was laying in bed on my phone in the dark, and a finger crept over the top of the screen. I just dropped my phone on my bed and rolled over."

Yiu Yu Hoi / Getty Images

Hope everyone sleeps well tonight!


Note: Responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.