People Are Sharing Uncomfortable Compliments They Get And I Wish People Just...Wouldn't

On Monday, Reddit user u/Foolbasket asked, "What's the most uncomfortable compliment you've ever received?" People provided examples of just some of the weird, uncomfortable, and inappropriate compliments they get.

  The Good Brigade / Getty Images
The Good Brigade / Getty Images

Here's what they said:

1."Coworker looked at my children, then looked at me and said, 'You must have a really attractive wife.'"


2."'I'd sleep with you if you were a girl.' I was told that on two separate occasions, by someone more senior than me at my last job."


3."After a few months postpartum, I went to work and a former coworker said, 'Wow, you used to be hot!' when he saw a slightly older photo of me."


  Tom Werner / Getty Images
Tom Werner / Getty Images

4."Some guy told me 'Aye, bro, nice nipples.' After that, I never wore those types of tank tops ever again."


5."'You could be really good looking if you were taller.'"


6."'That's a nice watch' from the dude at the next urinal."


  Redhumv / Getty Images/iStockphoto
Redhumv / Getty Images/iStockphoto

7."'I always hoped Sarah would marry you,' was said to me by Sarah's mom at her wedding to my good friend — who happened to be standing next to me."


8."The first time my mother-in-law saw me in a bikini, she said, 'I knew my son would end up with a woman like you by the way he breastfed.' It was uncomfortable."


9."'Dude, your ex was hot. How did you ever bag her? She's way out of your league!'"


  Marko Geber / Getty Images
Marko Geber / Getty Images

10."One customer once told me how I looked 15 and then proceeded to ask for my number while I was ringing up his items. He kept on with this for several days by telling me stuff like how I looked pretty or complimenting my hair. He was well into his 40s."


11."Someone told me, 'You have very cute ears. Very suckable.'"


12.“'You have a big butt for a boy.'"


  Jesus Sierra / Getty Images
Jesus Sierra / Getty Images

13.“'You have the most default face I’ve ever seen. If I had to explain to an Alien what a standard human face looks like, I’d use yours as an example.'"


14.“'Aw, I love a challenge,' when I sat down in the hair stylist’s chair."


  Group4 Studio / Getty Images
Group4 Studio / Getty Images

15."My sister's father-in-law commented that my painted red toes were sexy. We were at his mother-in-law's wake."


16."'Your features are wasted on a guy,' said to me by a woman that then went on to be my wife. This summer, we’ll have been together for 29 years."


17."'You've got nice birthing hips.'"


What about you? Do you ever get these types of "compliments"? Let me know in the comments below!

Responses edited for length/clarity.