“It’s A Really Bad Look”: People Are Revealing Things That Immediately Turn Them Off When Dating, And Some Of These Are Worth Taking Notes On

“It’s A Really Bad Look”: People Are Revealing Things That Immediately Turn Them Off When Dating, And Some Of These Are Worth Taking Notes On

Whether you have a lot of experience dating or you're new to it, there are just some things that are deal breakers, non-negotiables, and instant red flags. They vary from person to person so I was intrigued when I came across this Reddit thread where u/Tricktster123 asked, "Be completely honest: what makes [a person] go from a 10/10 to a 1/10 instantly?" Get ready for some honesty.

a person saying, "that's a red flag"

1."Constantly complaining about anything and everything. There has to be something you enjoy. That or never taking responsibility for your own faults and always having to blame someone or something else."


2."When a girl says, 'My last boyfriend did this, my last boyfriend did that.' Well, go back to your last boyfriend then."


3."Thinking they own a certain look or idea. I dated this person who thought everyone was copying them and it drove me up a wall. Things like 'I just think it's funny how everyone started wearing Nike right after I bought these shoes.' No amount of explanation could change their mind on this. The most absurd example was when they got a week off work due to a family emergency in late November and then was like, 'It's like all of a sudden everyone is planning vacations.' Maybe because it’s Christmas? Pretty funny in hindsight."

zendaya rolling her eyes

4."Lack of empathy for others. If they think they are 'better' than a server or valet person, they are trash."


5."When they have to do a TikTok dance in the middle of a busy public area."


a man saying "no"

6."When they don't have any hobbies. I don't want someone who wants me to entertain them. I want someone who has their own life, their own friends and doesn't feel abandoned if I want to spend time on my own or go out with my own friends."


7."Someone who's rude, arrogant, selfish, entitled, and general unwillingness to admit faults and work to fix them."


8."The "princess attitude" in general — but most specifically when it comes to finances. Don’t get me wrong. I want to do and buy nice things for my girlfriend but I hate doing things like that because they are expected of me, I want to do them because I want to do them and make people I care about happy."

"The second I get 'You can’t afford me' vibes I am out. We probably don’t have much in common anyway and I want a partner, not an extra expense. Life is hard enough without a constant attitude and headache when they don’t get everything they want."


9."For me, it's more like one-word responses or shows no interest in the conversation. I can carry so much, but can’t engage if the other person doesn’t put some effort."


a person saying, "I just can't do it."
The Roku Channel

10."I had a date a few weeks ago, we agreed to meet at a local restaurant that has two locations. She wanted to go to the one closer to the highway. To be fair, I was about three or four minutes late, but I walked in and she wasn't there. She actually went to the wrong one, but she got mad at me for it. I attempted to salvage the date and we agreed to order takeout and meet at her place. The address she gave me was wrong. She lived at 'Street Place' and the address she told me was 'Street Drive' which are about 15 minutes away from each other. She was messaging me about how impatient she was getting the whole time I was trying to decipher where I was supposed to go. I don't text and drive, and she got upset I wasn't responding to her."

"So basically someone who gets upset with you for their mistakes and gets mad that you aren't endangering yourself and others by texting and driving."


11."People who are obsessed with social media and can't live in the moment."


12."People who think using an Android phone is a deal breaker."


a person saying, "I mean...why?"
The Weather Channel

13."Saying really mean shit about people they just hung out with."


14.Not having an open mind when it comes to not-so-crucial things, like art, food, etc. I don’t ask anyone to like what I like — just have an open mind instead of dissing it outright. Life is too short to be bitchy.


15."Women who trash other women. Really bad look."


16."Flirting with other people when we are exclusive."


a person saying, "Ha!"
Apple TV

17."When they just trauma dump on you relatively quickly after meeting. I get it and I want to be emotionally available but sometimes it's too much too soon."


Is there anything else you could add to this list? If so, share it with me in the comments below!

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.