21 Things You Were Excited About Doing As An Adult When You Were A Kid, But Now You're Like...This Is Garbage

When we're kids, we have dreams about what it's going to be like when we're finally grown-ups and can "do whatever we want."

"Every adult is happy and carefree all the time!!"
Peopleimages / Getty Images/iStockphoto

However, once we actually reach adulthood, we find out that most things are not what they seem.

"What do you mean? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!"
Davidf / Getty Images

With that in mind, I asked the BuzzFeed Community to share the things they thought they'd be excited to do as adults, but are actually trash now that they have to do them.

1."I loved the idea of deciding what I'd eat every day. Now, I would stick needles in my nail-beds just to get someone to tell me exactly what to eat with no involvement from me whatsoever."

A little girl raiding the fridge

2."Driving! I never realized how much I would 'get' to do it."


"Driving. It’s such a right of passage to get your license as a kid. As an adult, traffic sucks, gas is expensive, and a lot of people are really bad drivers."


3."Getting mail. Used to think it was so cool as a kid, but now I throw 75% of it away without even opening it as it's just ads or banks wanting to sign me up for a credit card."

A little boy excitedly checking the mailbox
Juanmonino / Getty Images/iStockphoto

4."Not napping."


5."Getting my period. 😑"

"EVERY month?? How lucky am I?"

6."I was excited to go to work and be an 'office babe.' Yeah, f*** that."


"Working. I used to play cashier as a kid, but now that I'm actually working in retail, it's miserable."


7."Pets! Parents were right, they are a lot of work. In this summer heat, I really wish my dog knew how to use the toilet. And even if I’m the teensiest bit hungover, my cat still demands breakfast."

A little boy hugging his dog
Shaw Photography Co. / Getty Images



9."Teaching! I used to line up my stuffed animals at their 'desks' and play school for hours on end. Now, I'm an actual teacher, and I spend my days dealing with unruly behavior, entitlement, and toxic parents."

A little girl teaching her stuffed animals

"The ideas I had of teaching a room full of excited kids who want to learn is not quite how things are in real life. There are good days, but most of the time, it's a struggle to simply get through the day."


Thepalmer / Getty Images

10."I couldn't wait to wear lingerie. I thought that's what women had to do to be attractive. Honestly fuck that. I hate bras with underwire, thongs, lace that digs into the wrong places, and random straps all over the place."

"Lingerie was 100% overhyped. It was a disingenuous fantasy marketed to tween/teen girls saying, 'This is what it means to be a woman.' The positive is that I learned I don't need those things to feel sexy; my partner thinks I'm hot as hell in my sports bra and cotton underwear. I learned sex isn't a performance."


11."I was so excited to have my own house someday. But now I know, A WHOLE HOUSE IS A LOT TO CLEAN. 😭"


12."Buying stuff in a supermarket. I thought I’d be like a kid in a candy store, but instead I’m a middle-aged woman buying yogurt."

"one sec, let me check my Chase app and see if this is out of my 'budget' or uncomfortably out of my 'budget.'"

13."I always wanted to paint and hang wallpaper, but my mom would never let me. I was so excited to pick out colors, buy supplies, and get started."

"By the end of the first wall, bored despite a really good podcast and covered in paint, I ditched the idea of wallpapering altogether, and decided to hire a professional for the rest of the painting."


14."I thought I’d own a closet full of designer high heels, pairs in every color, bedazzled, satin, velvet, sandals, etc."

"Carrie Bradshaw will pay for this."

"I still have a thing for a gorgeous pair of heels, but I haven’t bought a pair in close to seven years. The price of a quality pair that won’t ruin your feet is just too much for adult me to justify on such a 'frivolous' purchase."

— Anonymous

Prostock-studio / Getty Images

15."Becoming a nurse. I grew up watching ER which featured badass nurses, and I always wanted to be one. Now in my late 30s, I wish I had picked a different path. My physical and mental health has been torn apart from years of anguishing work! Should have followed in my dad and grandpop’s footsteps and sold insurance."


16."Christmas. As a kid, it was so exciting to open presents left by Santa, but as an adult, it is mostly stressful."

A little boy holding a Christmas present


Richvintage / Getty Images

17."Using the internet. When I was growing up, the web was in its infancy, and it was heralded as the greatest connector of mankind in the modern era."

"Turns out it's mostly porn, spam, people who take things at face value because some 'influencer' said it on Twitter, and a load of trolls who think that the anonymity of a screen, and constant shouting, makes them right."


18."Getting married."

"Cheers to settling."

19."Watching PG-13 or rated-R movies on my own. The funny thing is I actually don't go for those types of movies; I still prefer anime or animated movies. Maybe it's because they were such a comfort during my childhood that I still enjoy them as an adult."


20."Going out clubbing. Shit is expensive and exhausting. No one tells you how difficult it is to get home when you're drunk and barefoot in Manhattan at 2 a.m."

"Even if I could get a car, I can't remember my address."

— Anonymous

Cultura Rm Exclusive / Getty Images/Image Source

21."Funny enough, paperwork. I was one of those brats who looked forward to doing paperwork, of all things. Luckily enough for pint-sized me, I’ve found no shortage of paperwork in adulthood."

"My signature has become so inconsistent, I'm afraid I'll be tried for fraud!"
Maskot / Getty Images/Maskot

Thank you to everyone who shared their stories! If you have something that didn't turn out quite the way you thought it would, tell me about it in the comments!