People Are Sharing Things On The Internet That Don't Exist Anymore, And I Definitely Remember Some Of These

Listen: Some of us have been on the internet for a looooong time. Like, long enough to remember a bunch of stuff that used to be around, but isn't anymore.

A woman on her laptop
Drakula Images / Getty Images

U/saif-with-curls recently asked the people of Reddit, "What's something ancient that only an internet veteran would remember?" The answers took me back, and maybe they'll be a trip down memory lane for you, too:

1."Having a 'computer room.'"


2."The dancing baby."




4."Getting internet in the mail."


Discs containing hours of internet
Julie Thurston / Moment Editorial/Getty Images

5."Angelfire and Geocities pages. I remember my friend was fancy and made a page with frames, which now sounds like design hell."


6."Getting booted off the internet when someone in the other room picked up the phone."


7."Ask Jeeves."


Ask Jeeves homepage
Newscast / Universal Images Group via Getty Images

8."Ebaum's World."


9."I remember when Amazon was just an online bookstore."


Amazon Books
Aaronp / GC Images / Bauer-Griffin / Getty Images

10."The hit counter on the bottom of webpages that told you how many people had visited the page."


11."The Napster and Lars Ulrich drama."


12." --<-@ 'Here's a rose for all the ladies here.' Man, we thought we were so fuckin' smooth in those chatrooms."


13."How about: the sound of dialup??"


A phone cord
Photovideostock / Getty Images

14."An internet that didn't have any advertising."


15."Homestar Runner."


16."Discussion boards for specific topics. (And not aggregated under the same website like Reddit.) I have fond memories of these. I met a lot of cool people, some of which I'm still in contact with a good decade and a half later."


17."The Instant Messenger door opening noise."


18."Fuckin' forum drama. No matter what forum you were on, there was guaranteed to be age-old drama that everyone knew, mod infighting, maybe even a rival forum. Some had all of that shit and more. Before the internet was massive, shit was petty."


19."Treating chat rooms like real, physical places. Like, with an established setting and stuff. People would narrate what they’re doing in that space as they talked. Usually with a font or marker to designate the action: goes to the table and sips coffee."


20."Badger badger badger badger."


Agree? Disagree? Have your own additions? See you in the comments!

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.