People Are Sharing The Things That Others Underestimate The Seriousness Of, And Think We Should Talk About More

Sometimes, for whatever reasons, we think of something as not that serious and that we can hold off on dealing with it. For example: Someone putting off going to the dentist because of toothache from a cavity, and when they do end up going they have to get a root canal because they didn't go in sooner.

person saying, oh my god it's nothing bad

And recently, Reddit user 300teethgirl touched upon this topic when they asked: "What do people heavily underestimate the seriousness of?"

person saying, underestimate me at your peril

The thread got thousands of responses. Below are the top and best comments:

1."High blood pressure. It's the silent killer for a reason."

person's arm wrapped in a blood pressure tester

2."Breaking up with a friend. This whole 'clean out your social life, everyone is toxic' thing these days has gone way too far. You should be willing to put up with people's foibles. Friendships are not limited in number the way monogamous partners are, so you shouldn't be dumping them for every little thing. It's brutally painful on the dump-ee. Save friend breakups for really serious problems."

one person looking mad while another folds laundry
Paramount Network

3."Sleep deprivation."

someone covering their face while in bed

4."Water damage. I work in construction and the number one cause of claims is water damage. Roof leaks, wall leaks, concrete damage, you name it. Water is the worst enemy of building."

water damage on the ceiling

5."Not having a will."


6."The content you post to the internet."

person on their phone
Suwaree Tangbovornpichet / Getty Images/iStockphoto

7."Infections. Especially urinary tract infections. They can kill you."


8."The 69% reduction of animal populations since 1970."

a squirrel with it's mouth open so he looks like he's in shock

9."Loneliness and how it impacts pretty much everything in your life."

person sitting alone in his apartment

10."Cross-contamination in food prep. I’ve run into SO many people who just don’t understand why it’s an issue. And it shocks me every time."

dirty cutting boards
Sasimoto / Getty Images/iStockphoto

11."Driving. People recklessly throw those multi-ton machines around on the roads like it's no big deal."

speed gage

12."Cleaning out the lint trap of the dryer. I watched a neighbor’s house burn down because of this."

person removing lint

13."Water/the ocean, those that grow up around it understand. Those that don't just assume they can swim. Another dangerous assumption is that because there are life guards/supervision, it is safe. You can drown in a few seconds. Also, there isn't many risks that you just jump into. People understand not to jump/walk into fire or jump/walk off a cliff but will be willing to jump/walk into deep water."

empty beach
Jgi / Getty Images/Tetra images RF

14."Vitamin B12 deficiency."

person pouring out b-12 pills

15."Slipping and falling. They get included in compilations of 'funny' videos, I see it and I cringe. Having slipped on ice and broken my wrist a few years ago, it was a very painful and scary experience — not funny in the slightest."

someone slipping while ice skating

16."Maintaining your health throughout your life."


17."Skin cancer. Melanoma, in particular. Sunscreen can go a long way in preventing it, but people routinely go out in the sun without protection. It's also important to have your skin checked regularly with a melanoma, especially if you have any suspicious moles."

person holding up sunscreen

18.And lastly: "Addiction to social media."

social media app folder on a phone
Oscar Wong / Getty Images

You can read the full thread of responses on Reddit.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.