"It’s Complete Nonsense": 20 Bogus Facts People Say They Learned In School Even Though They're Totally False

Listen, teachers aren't perfect. Sometimes, they're flat-out wrong when it comes to the education they're passing down to their students.

A teacher yelling at a student through a megaphone
Selimaksan / Getty Images

Redditor u/authorized_join31 recently asked the people of Reddit, "What’s a fact that was taught in school that’s been disproven in your lifetime?" Perhaps you'll recognize some of these from your own experiences:

1."That strangers will give me free drugs on street corners and on Halloween candy."


2."I learned about tongue taste maps at school. Turns out it’s complete nonsense."


A person sticking their tongue out
Jonathan Knowles / Getty Images

3."All fat was bad for you. Thus, fat-free foods became a thing for a while."


4."In pharmacy school around the turn of the century, we were taught that people in legitimate pain don't get addicted to opiates and opioids."


5."That George Washington’s teeth were made of wood."


Portrait of George Washington
Gwengoat / Getty Images/iStockphoto

6."Once you get to high school, nobody will accept papers not written in cursive."


A pen writing in cursive
Getty Images

7."The Food Pyramid."


A food pyramid
David Malan / Getty Images

8."Your permanent record will follow you into adulthood."


9."You won't always have a calculator on you."


A person using the calculator on their phone
D3sign / Getty Images

10."I once asked one of my elementary school teachers what a rainbow was, and she told me scientists hadn't figured it out. I walked around until my early 20s thinking that. Also, I think it was this same teacher who told me Columbus thought the Earth was flat. They were training teachers a different kind of way in the '70s and '80s. It's honestly one of the reasons I'm thankful for the internet, because depending on your teacher or an outdated encyclopedia for answers could be a real roll of the dice."


a rainbow
Shomos Uddin / Getty Images

11."You only use 10% of your brain each day."


a model of a human brain
Osakawayne Studios / Getty Images

12."My primary school teacher told me our bodies can't make new blood and we're born with all the blood we'll ever have. As someone who got nosebleeds, I knew it was bollocks. When I questioned that adults are obviously bigger so have more blood, she said it's watered down."


13."The whole 'A meteorite killed the dinosaurs' thing wasn't yet the accepted theory when I was a kid."


14.“No one is going to wait for you to look up information in the real world, you have to know it.”


15."The United States government prevents abuse of power through a well-engineered system of checks and balances."


16."That we would all but run out of oil by the year 2000."


  Olga Rolenko / Getty Images
Olga Rolenko / Getty Images

17."That lemmings commit suicide."


closeup of a lemming
Westend61 / Getty Images/Westend61

18."That Canada didn’t ever have slaves. What's worse is, to my knowledge, they still don’t teach this. I had to look it up myself."


19."Hiding under your desk at school at 10 a.m. on the last Friday of the month while the teacher placed a name tag on your wrist would protect you from an atomic blast."


a child huddled under their desk
Jasmin Merdan / Getty Images

And finally...

20."If you study well and have excellent grades, you will end up with a nice job and lots of money."


Got your own? See you in the comments!

These entries have been edited for length and clarity.