People Are Sharing Things That Everyone Looks Stupid Doing, And I Cannot Argue With Some Of These

There are some things where, no matter how you approach doing them, you're going to look pretty silly no matter what.

Closeup of a clown
David Sacks / Getty Images

U/haloqueenxo recently asked the people of Reddit, "What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?" Hey, it's all in good fun — who hasn't looked stupid doing something at some point? If you need a good laugh, here it is:

1."Chasing after something that's being blown away by the wind."


2."Standing or sitting awkwardly while everyone sings, 'Happy Birthday to You.'"


A woman preparing to blow out her birthday candles
Image Source / Getty Images/Image Source

3."Getting out of the backseat of a two-door car."


4."Chasing a ping pong ball."


5."When you're walking in the opposite way you're supposed to go, and you have to do a sudden 180-degree turn."


6."We all look a bit silly when we confidently walk into a glass door we thought was open. Our brain assumes it's open until reality hits us. It's happened to the best of us, and it's always a good laugh afterwards."


7."A rant filmed from your car seat."


8."Trying to take off your pants without removing your shoes first."


A person's pants around their ankles
Ghislain & Marie David De Lossy / Getty Images

9."TikTok dances."


A young woman dancing in front of her phone, which is sitting on a tripod
David Espejo / Getty Images

10."Publicly supporting political candidates like they are rock stars."


11."Walking through a cobweb that no one else sees, and then waving your arms around a lot to get rid of the cobwebs on your body."


12."Running with a backpack on."


A man running through the mountains with a backpack on
Ric Rowan / Getty Images

13."Looking for a photo to show someone on your phone as it takes forever."


14."Waiting to grab your dog's shit."


A man picking up their pet's poop
Grace Cary / Getty Images

15."Trying to find your car when you lost it in a parking lot."


16."Fierce online arguments will instantly make both sides look like dumbfucks."


17."Riding hoverboards. I saw some douche riding one in the grocery store a while back. He was trying to go through self-checkout but kept rolling away from the scanner."


A man on his phone while riding a hoverboard
Simonskafar / Getty Images

18."Taking selfies."


People smiling and taking a selfie
Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images

19."Telling people you’re an influencer."


20."Trying to fight off a bee."


Closeup of a boy looking at a bee that's flying toward him
Kozorog / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Agree? Disagree? Have your own additions? See you in the comments!

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.