People Are Sharing Things That Should Be Banned, And There Are No Lies Detected

This week, Reddit user u/jinxy_wolfy posed the question, "What would you ban?"


And there were so many excellent responses! Here are the ones I wholeheartedly agree with:

1."That damn fake 'x' button to close out mobile ads."


"Or when it’s a real 'x' button, but they make it so small that you click the ad anyway."


2."You're no longer allowed to advertise a lower price than what the customer will pay. No more $ $100 in fees."


3."Calling someone you don't know to solicit. I get 12-plus calls a day and block each one, and I still get 12 more the next day."

"I'll hang up on them because they're calling while I'm using GPS, and they'll just immediately call and interrupt the map again."


4."Selling food that looks significantly different in person from how it does in advertising/glamour shots."


Getty Images

5."Parents who use their children in YouTube videos for money and internet points."


"I saw a toy branded with Ryan's Toy Review, and I just felt so bad for him. He was smiling in the camera, but you could tell it was fake. This kid has had his face plastered on the internet for money without his consent and has been turned into a brand."


6."Price gouging on medicine. Seriously, it’s wild how much things like insulin cost in the US."


7."All zoos that mistreat their animals. Genuine nature preserves that respect and care for their animals with lots of room? Hey, more power to you. But establishments that keep animals as exhibits in tiny spaces have to be stopped."


8."Child beauty pageants. Just fuck off with that shit."


Three young girls in beauty pageant
Evan Hurd Photography / Corbis / Getty Images

9."Advertising prescription drugs should be illegal."


"It is ridiculous that you can't watch a television show in the evenings without seeing dozens of ads for medicines telling you to ask your doctor if they're right for you. Here's a heads-up: They aren't. If they were, your doctor would have prescribed them to you, and the manufacturer wouldn't be peddling them to you."


10."Police sirens in radio advertisements."


11."Companies harvesting personal information. It’s super creepy and takes away privacy."


12."People putting trash in the ocean."


Turtle in the ocean with a plastic bag stuck on it
Getty Images

13."Two ads in a row on YouTube."


14."Abstinence-only sex education. It’s pretty toxic and doesn’t teach important topics like contraception and consent. Also, I’d ban parents from withholding children from taking sex ed. People have a right to know how their bodies work."


15."Super-bright headlights. I don’t want supernovas coming at me from the front or behind."


16."Lobbyists. I think you'd see a lot better American education and fair wages if lobbyists didn't exist."


17.And finally, "Puppy mills."


"Backyard breeders, too. I see a lot of poorly bred dogs that have major issues because a family wants a payday."


Puppy looking sad
Getty Images

What's something that you would ban if you could? Sound off in the comments below!

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.