People Are Sharing Things That Aren't Popular Now That They're Older, And It's A Total Nostalgia Fest

Let's face it — there are plenty of things that you loved as a kid that are, for one reason or another, not really a part of your life anymore.

An older gentleman riding on a pogo stick
Sean Justice / Getty Images

U/IndependentPair3088 recently asked the people of Reddit, "What was popular when you were a kid but doesn't exist anymore?" Man, some of these take me way back — and they probably will for you, too:

1."Cap guns. We would have shootouts with a dozen neighborhood kids, but I guess you're not getting that cat back in the bag."


An old cap gun
Comstock Images / Getty Images

2."Those phones where you flip the screen to access your sick-ass keyboard."


An old phone with a full keyboard
Hayesphotography / Getty Images/iStockphoto

3."Jelly shoes, but it's not bad that they disappeared. They made feet stink so awful!"


Jelly shoes
Getty Images

4."Firecrackers. They still exist, but 12-year-olds can't buy them from the milk bar and run amok on the Queen's birthday weekend, blowing up letterboxes and starting grass fires whilst blasting ball shooters into your best mate's back as the parents drank beer and Bacardi and smoked Camels with no filters, watching the back fence burn."


Ilka & Franz / Getty Images

5."I miss the Toys 'R' Us of the '90s. Particularly the Barbie section. They used to carry SO many collector Barbies, and I loved looking at them. I kind of collected Barbies (particularly the Barbies of the World series), so my mom would always take me there to look at them around my birthday or Christmas. My sister worked there in high school, and employees could buy packaged damaged goods for cheap. My sister got me the Romeo and Juliet Barbie set for cheap because the package was water-damaged. The later years of Toys 'R' Us didn't have nearly as many collector Barbies on display."


Toys "R" Us
Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

6."Winning a prize under a 20 oz. Coke bottle cap. As soon as you opened it, you could see you won something, usually a free soda, and you could redeem it right then and there at the store."


7."Silly bands. Used to trade them around. You could get a bag of 10 for $2, I think?"


8."Spider fights. It used to be a trend when I was a kid. Almost every boy I knew had a set of spiders just chilling in their room in those little Tupperwares. Even saw many vendors selling them outside of our school. Kids would make them fight all the time. Anyways, the schools put a ban on them because of how unethical they were, and eventually, they died out."


9."Those white, chalky, wintergreen-flavored candy cigarettes in the cigarette-looking packages."


10."Pedal cars — little replicas of cars that had pedals to move around. I had one when I was 4 or 5. Nowadays, I think they're all battery-powered."


A little boy on an old pedal car
Harold M. Lambert / Getty Images

11."Cartoons in general. Cartoon Network and Nick don't put out many new shows nowadays because kids are all on YouTube. But then, they don't put the full episodes on YouTube for some unknown reason. It's like the people in charge of those networks have never met a kid before. If it's hard to access, they will just do something else. Nobody has cable anymore, and even if they did, kids get bored waiting a half-hour to watch SpongeBob for 10 minutes before a five-minute commercial break."


12."Those giant jawbreakers that had a dozen colors and messed up your tongue if you worked it too long."


Jawbreaker candies
Todd Gunkel / Getty Images

13."Laser tag. I remember having so much fun with it."


Adults playing laser tag
Ozgurcankaya / Getty Images

14."Wax candies filled with Kool-Aid. I often bought the one shaped like a pistol. You bit the end off the barrel and drank all the Kool-Aid. I'd probably get arrested just carrying one into a school now."


15."Mini disc players lol. Tbh, I have no idea why that died out."


An older CD player
Lleerogers / Getty Images/iStockphoto

16."Picking up refundable soda bottles off the side of the road and returning them to the store for a $0.05 deposit. 5 bottles = 25 cents = a couple of Kits (4 individually wrapped pieces of taffy), a couple of penny packs of malted milk balls, a few of those brightly colored straws chockfull of sugar Kool-Aid, and maybe even a few mini Tootsie Rolls, because they were long-lasting."


17."Cigarette vending machines. $1.25 got you a pack of smokes, and they were everywhere. They were like pay phones. Oh, wait..."


A man putting money into a cigarette machine
Photoquest / Getty Images

18."Buffet chains. They were everywhere when I was a kid; now I can’t find them."


19."Singles on cassettes and CDs. I can't even imagine buying music these days — other than maybe to display in a record collection — when Spotify and YouTube exist."


20."People dedicating their entire front or back yards to a satellite dish."


A satellite dish in someone's yard
Cmspic / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Agree? Disagree? Have your own additions? See you in the comments!

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.