People Are Sharing The Tiny Yet Impactful Ways They De-Stress Over The Weekend, And These Tips Are, Like, Really, Really Calming

With absolutely no shock to anyone, it's been recently reported by LinkedIn that 75% of working Americans now experience "Sunday scaries" — otherwise known as the dread or anxiety people feel on Sunday because they have to go back to work on Monday.

Ross from Friends panicking
Ross from Friends panicking

NBC / Via

And since it's Stress Awareness Month and so many Americans (and, frankly, people around the world) are having Sunday night anxiety, I wanted to ask members of the BuzzFeed Community, "What is the most successful way to combat the Sunday scaries?" Here's what they had to say:

1."Open communication! If you are dreading Mondays, there's a reason for it that you probably haven't addressed yet. Voice your concerns to your boss, and if they're nontoxic and professional, they will find a solution with you. An appreciative boss is interested in keeping you around. I can't believe how much dread I kept bottled up just by keeping my feelings to myself. Now I voice my concerns and needs immediately and I feel as light as a feather."

An employee talking to their boss.

—Anonymous, 34, Germany

Tom Werner / Getty Images

2."I've started doing my laundry and cleaning on Friday night (I'm 30 years old, so basically, I'm a grandma), but it actually really helps me enjoy my weekends more. I don't have to worry about leaving all my chores and errands to pack into a Sunday, leaving myself with a not-so-fun end to the weekend and anxiety-inducing bedtime. I just put on a movie, have a glass of wine, and get shit done Friday night. You wake up to a clean house Saturday morning and truly feel like you have the full weekend to do whatever you want!"

"I also like to plan out a bomb outfit or new hairstyle or makeup trend to try Monday morning. It gives me something to look forward to when I wake up Monday before heading to work. It also helps break up the monotonous routine of the workweek!"

—Lauren, 30, California

3."I’m a teacher. When I leave school on Friday, I make sure all my Monday lessons are ready to go. I also don’t check my work email during the weekend. That way, I don’t have to think about anything related to work on the weekend, and I can walk in Monday morning confident that I’m fully prepared for the day. It also helps me use the weekend for what it’s meant for: relaxing, having fun, and recharging."

A teacher going over lesson plans in classroom

—Anonymous, 27, New York

Leren Lu / Getty Images

4."I watch Hotel Transylvania. Yes, Hotel Transylvania. It's genuinely my favorite movie ever and makes me so happy. So I think that before you go to bed, you should watch your favorite movie, show, etc., because it just leaves you in a good mood."

—Suki, 22, United States

5."ASMR videos! I started watching a few during the COVID shutdown, and I have found some really good-quality, relaxing content creators. Videos are released throughout the week, and I find myself looking forward to watching them and taking my mind off of everything for a short time."

A person popping bubble wrap against a microphone

—Anonymous, 35, Ohio

Andreypopov / Getty Images/iStockphoto

6."Having something special to look forward to for Sundays. Not every Sunday, but most Sundays I carry on the tradition of a Sunday roast. I try to always prepare a nice dinner to sit down with my child and spouse. We try to sit at the table to eat every night, but Friday and Saturday are usually more shoot from the hip. Sunday-night dinner is intentional."


7."As a general rule, during the first work hour of my day, I do maintenance tasks and 'me' tasks. I don't complete instant meetings or meatier tasks yet. That way, I start my Mondays with some ease. At the same time, I also spend Monday before work watching nice videos. Yes, it's more screentime, but it puts me in a good mood."

A man watching a funny video

—Simon, 42, United Kingdom

Damircudic / Getty Images

8."I journal about my week on Sunday night to ensure that those past anxieties and bad things throughout the week are in the past. Some weeks are better than others, but at least they are on the page and out of my brain."

—Liberty Lockett, 24, Tennessee

9."I try to plan a full weekend so I feel that I’ve had enough time to myself before I give myself over to work for the week. Waking up early on the weekends, doing the things I like, spending time with friends, etc. Then I take a luxurious shower, pamper myself, and get everything ready for the next day so I feel prepped for Monday morning."

People hanging outside together

—Esperanza, 24, Chicago

Jordi Salas / Getty Images

10."I found a job with a four-day workweek. Anxiety and dread about going to work instantly disappeared. I also have a wonderful boss and coworkers, so that doesn’t hurt either."


11."My partner and I cook dinner together, watch an episode of whatever show we’re watching, and then have a bath together. It’s slow, intentional time spent together, and it helps us calm any anxieties we have about the upcoming week. It gives us a space to talk to each other, whether it's the small things or the big things."

A couple cooking dinner together

—Elia, 20, Canada

Tetra Images / Getty Images/Tetra images RF

12."Trying to practice mindfulness. Something I’ve been learning in therapy, but when I notice my brain wandering to what the week ahead holds, I try to focus on the present moment. You can wiggle your toes, pet your cat, or get up and walk — you just want to do something that brings you back to the free time you still have!"

—Melonie, 22, Maryland

13."I put EVERYTHING on a calendar Sunday night. Need to do the 2023 budget? Calendar. Meeting? Calendar. Call Mom? Calendar."

A calendar

—Jacqui, 34, Massachusetts

Pakin Songmor / Getty Images

14."I try to never plan something on Sunday. I just want to relax that day. My boyfriend does the groceries, I do some laundry and walk the dog, and that's about it for the day. And when it's raining or cold on Sunday evening, after dinner and walking the dog, I take a bath with a bath bomb, some candles, and watch a movie or TV show."


15."I always refill my weekly pill container. It calms me down. I call it my 'Sunday reset.'"

A weekly pill container
Miragec / Getty Images

16."Sunday is typically my 'get my shit together so the week goes smoothly' (like meal prepping my lunches, washing my hair, doing my nails, grocery shopping, laundry) day, so I always take time in the middle of everything to sit in the bath for an hour or so and read a book. It gives me that breath of relaxation in the middle of all the tasks."


17."My partner and I keep the mantra 'Monday doesn't have to start until Monday' in our back pockets just in case we sense the other getting anxious about the workweek."

A couple laughing in their kitchen
Morsa Images / Getty Images



19."I try to plan out my Monday as much as I can so then I know what to expect. I then make sure I can make time for something that brings me joy, on both Sunday and Monday."

A woman writing on a pad of paper in front of her computer
Iuliia Bondar / Getty Images

Do you have any tricks or hacks that help you combat the Sunday scaries? If so, tell us what they are in the comments below.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.