People Who Are Child-Free Are Sharing Their Pettiest Reasons For Not Wanting Kids, And Points Were Made

Recently, Reddit user u/Fearless_Law6729 asked the r/childfree community: "What is your pettiest reason for not wanting kids?"

Kid tapping on a drum on a plane next to a woman who appears visibly annoyed

As someone who's constantly questioning if kids are the right choice for me someday, every day I find more and more reasons to stray away. This thread provided me with some humorous, some relatable, and even some petty explanations that I couldn't help but share for those who might have similar feelings:

1.Starting off with u/Fearless_Law6729 themselves: "I have many reasons that are not petty, of course, but one that fills me with glee is knowing that now that I had my bilateral salpingectomy, my racist narc mother-in-law will never have the grandkids she’s so desperate for."


2."I take pride in proving wrong everyone that said I'd change my mind."

Donna from "Parks & Rec" holding up a sign that says "I told ya so!"

3."Sleeping in/going to bed late."


4."I'm not done being a kid myself. Making up for lost time during my childhood now."

Joey from "Friends" saying "why don't you be a grown up and come watch some TV in the fort!"

5."I hate children's TV shows. Loud, high pitched, etc. etc. If something in my home is loud, it better fucking be deathcore."


Similarly: "I absolutely loathe children songs. I actually cannot even describe you the primal anger I feel every time I hear something like 'Baby Shark.'"


6."Not having to answer 'why?' even once per day to any-fucking-one."

Ava from "Abbott Elementary" saying "I don't know, do you?"

7."I didn't want to gain weight. I've had body image issues since middle school. Four years ago, I lost weight and kept it off, and I've been much more confident since. I don't want to lose that."


8."Sticky fingers, why are they so fucking sticky!"

Actor from "Gilmore Girls" arguing that kids are always sticky, that's why he doesn't want kids

9."I like delicate, pretty things. Children damage delicate, pretty things."


10."I want the option of leaving whenever I need to. I'm happy where I'm at, but I always want to be able to travel or just straight up move without worrying about a child's schedule. I would van life, but a kid deserves space, and I don't want to be one of those van-life influencers who think a curtain is a wall."

Elissa Slater from Big Brother 15 spitting out her drink laughing

11."My cat would hate it if she had to share me."


12."I like money, silence, and a tidy house."


13."Might be cruel, but every time my sister complains about how rowdy her kids get, I think, 'Never going to be me.'"

Lucille from "Arrested Development" side-eyeing a situation

14."They don't belong in breweries. They also smell worse than dog shit."


15."To prove my mom wrong from that time when I was 10 and she told me — after I (foolishly?) told her I didn’t want to have children when I grew up — ‘But…having children is the MOST IMPORTANT thing I woman can do with her life!’ I have done some seriously cool shit with my life since then that did not in any way involve having a child."

A person pointing their finger saying "that's it" in agreement

16."I want to spend my money on my games and books, not on child's toys and books."


17."Not having to worry about school districts or being close to schools when moving or relocating."


18."Fashion is my pettiest reason as to why I'm childfree, because I love dressing up and doing my makeup. I would HATE to give it up due to the lack of time and energy because all of it would go to raising kids. Forget about wearing heels as you can't run to catch your kid in them or you'll snap your ankle. 🙄 I'm a huge fashionista. I couldn't see myself not being one! 😭😔"

A drag queen running in heels

And lastly, this brutally honest, but very self-aware answer:

19."I'm self-centered. I don't like having to live my life around others' needs. Making myself happy is my primary goal in life. I live for me. I view my purpose in this life as being able to cater to my every need. I want to be able to pursue whatever I like, whenever I like, however I like with no restrictions. To be a parent means you need to be selfless for decades. That sounds like pure hell! I'm not cold or evil, and people have always come to me for advice/support and find me dependable, but I know if I had to be a parent, I'd resent my kids so much, and no child deserves a parent like that."


Let me know if you agree with these in the comments, and if you have your own petty reasons for not wanting kids to add!

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.