People Are Sharing Their "Old Person Trait," And It Proves That Some Things Actually Were Better "Back In The Day"

The other week, I asked the BuzzFeed Community if they had any "old person traits," inspired by this Tumblr post:

People on Tumblr sharing their "old person traits"

Lots of people weighed in with their hot takes on modern society, or just plain ol' ways that they feel like "old man yells at cloud." Here are some of their comments:

1."Public spaces are for everyone to enjoy. Please don't make yourself a nuisance by having a conversation via speaker phone, playing loud music, filming a TikTok dance, or letting your kids scream and run around, etc."


2."If it doesn't start until after 8 p.m. and I have to pay for parking, I'm out."


3."I think it's a hideous scam that everything is turning into subscription services. You can get a subscription to have photos show inside a photo frame. You pay a subscription to access books, movies, and music. You pay subscriptions for games. It used to be that you could pay a set amount and own the copy of whatever you bought, but now they all have fine print that says they can revoke access whenever."


4."When I buy music, or a movie, or a game I should own the disc or a USB card, not just a code to redeem/a link to click on."


5."I am not a fan of using rideshare. I feel much safer with a bus or train driver that is an actual employee of the public transit department rather than some random person who signed up in an app to drive for extra cash. If the bus gets in an accident, I know the public transit company insurance will cover me if injured, and their drivers go through an actual training and background check."


6."I try to use proper grammar and punctuation in texts. I will die on this hill."


Someone texting on their iPhone

7."The app thing. I get an unrelenting blackout rage every time I click on 'pay my bill' and it takes me to the app download screen."


8."I will not be tapping my cellphone as a payment method. Am I being ridiculous because every company in the world knows my spending habits and how to optimize my spending either way? Probably. Would it be slightly more convenient? Maybe. Still not gonna do it."


9."F*** all touch screens in a car."


"Oh my god, I was scanning the comments to see if someone mentioned touch screens in cars before I went off on it.

I recently had to retire my 1996 Geo Prizm (RIP), and obviously, everything was manual. I could change the radio with buttons and fiddle with the climate controls with a dial and buttons that I could feel without taking my eyes off the road. Fantastic.

My new car is a 2015, and my husband's is a 2020, and both have everything on a screen. There's buttons on the steering wheel, but you have to look at the screen to see if your button-pushing resulted in what you wanted.

My husband's car has a feature where you can pair your phone and mirror the phone's screen on the car screen so you can text and mess with maps, music, whatever. Like...just drive the car!

If they've made it illegal to use your phone while driving, someone please tell me why they're making cars that are so screen-centric! How is this any different?"


10."I need to be warm. Like, I need a space heater, and a blanket, and fluffy socks."


"I don’t care if it’s July, I’m gonna have a blanket on my legs when I’m on the couch."


a person cozy on the couch with a mug and a book
Monkeybusinessimages / Getty Images

11."I write my to-do lists on paper instead of as a memo on my phone. Scratching them off a list is much more satisfying than checking them off on a screen. Plus, I don’t have to pull my phone out every five minutes to check what’s next."


12."Gen Z here. I really wish it was more common that people would talk over a phone call than text. I love it so much more because it's so boring and robotic on a text. I don't know what to say to a screen!"


13."I wish we could go back to the old vehicles without computers so we don't have to worry about being stranded in the wintertime when a sensor malfunctions in our brand new vehicles."


14."I watch golf and read the newspaper (the print version) every weekend. I’m almost 23."


15."Thinking that my kids' bubble machine should have batteries instead of having to plug into a USB port in my computer to charge. Actually, just chargers in general. Everything either comes with two-thirds of a charger where you have to find your own plug, or it comes with a charger that covers the whole outlet. Why?"


charging cords tangled together
Carol Yepes / Getty Images

16."'Work wife'/'work husband' is disrespectful as hell if either one of you is in a committed relationship with another person. Knock it off."


And finally:

17."Self checkouts are awful."
