People Are Sharing The "Normal" Things They Refuse To Do, And Honestly, I Agree With Most Of Them

It goes without saying that we live in a world where we all do and say things because it's just expected of us. In fact, it can be so ingrained into us that we don't even think about questioning them and think of them as just normal.


And a couple of days ago, Reddit user u/fuzziblanket brought up this idea when they asked the AskReddit community, "What is something considered 'normal' by society that you refuse to do?"

Sony Pictures Releasing

The thread had thousands of responses. Here are some of the top-voted and best comments:

1."The need to be available 24/7 — e.g., always having your phone on you. I like going for long walks and leaving my phone at home. I don't feel guilty for missing texts or calls; it's just stressful being expected to be available all hours of the day."



"It's as if some people think owning a phone means you signed a contract stating that you will always answer or reply. Bitch, please, this is just a tool; I will use it as I see fit."


2."Upload pictures of yourself online."

Hand holding phone with "Uploading" on the screen

3."Work myself to death."



"People who think work is a personality trait. Ugh! I work with a guy like this. Basically brags that he can’t enjoy his days off because he’s too tired."


"I work so I can live; I don't live to work. Given the choice, I wouldn't work; I'd hide in the woods with an internet connection and all the hobby stuff I could want. Unfortunately, that's a very expensive alternative, and I haven't won the lottery yet."


4."Sacrifice a down payment on a house for a wedding."

Warner Bros.


"Plus, the house is a source of value. Especially if you have a small mortgage or no mortgage, every month you're not paying rent is a month your wealth is increasing, rather than increasing someone else's wealth. And its worth might go up."The wedding is essentially lighting the money on fire, if all you consider is your future wealth."


5."Give a shit about celebs. Sometimes they're fun to talk about for like five minutes, but other than that??? Aren't they just people? I don't get it."



"Yes. People are flabbergasted when I’m not informed about the latest celebrity news, and honestly, I just don’t see a reason to keep up with it."


6."Forbidding my (straight male) partner to spend time with female friends. He's a grown-ass man; he should know how to hold healthy boundaries. It shouldn't be on me to keep him from cheating. If he's really gonna fall into the pants of the first girl I leave him alone with, she can have him."

man and woman talking on their way to work

7."Buy fast fashion (or pretty much any fashion whose supply chain is questionable). I used to. Then I found out not only how and where those clothes begin their lives, but also how and where those clothes end their lives."

Person walking with H&M bag across the street

8."Hang out in a social setting where the music is so gawdam loud that you have to scream at the person next to you to communicate."



"I've now reached the age where, if I'm going out in the evening, one of my first criteria for selecting the venue is how much drapery, napery, and carpeting they have to absorb ambient noise so I can actually hear what my goddamn friends are saying."


9."Going into debt $30,000–$70,000 for a vehicle."

Rising stacks with coins and a red car in the background
Gopixa / Getty Images/iStockphoto

10."Buy copious amounts of dishes. Why the fuck do you need 27 plates for the two people in your household? I'm looking at you, Mom."

Shelves of white dishes

11."Climb up the ladder and be the boss. I could, but why?"



"Completely agree. I've moved up in companies and taken supervisor-type positions. It always comes with a lot more fuckin' headache with not nearly enough pay or benefit. I work for a small company now, and the owner/boss is married to the job, and I'm just like, no thank you. I'm cool just maintaining my role as just another spoke in the wheel."


12."Live in a city. I was born in a large city, lived there until I was 11. Then I moved to the woods. I’ve lived in the woods since then, and although I have visited cities since, I could never live there. Too many people, too much noise, and I just don’t feel comfortable. I feel more comfortable taking walks at night in the woods than I would in a city."

Aerial shot of New York City
Tomassereda / Getty Images/iStockphoto

13."Wear makeup. If I can deal with my face, so can everyone else."



"Same. Also, like, it’s hard enough waking up to my alarms with the bare-minimum amount of time I need before leaving the house; who wants to wake up even earlier to do makeup?"


14."Share photos of my kids on social media. I find it seriously fucked up how much some people share their kids' lives online. I get sharing moments with family, but that can be done via text or holiday cards."

A phone screen showing various social media apps

15."Send nudes. I'm a software developer, and I know how dangerous it is...please, don't do that."

Naked, bearded, dark-haired handsome man shirtless in white bed taking a selfie
Estradaanton / Getty Images/iStockphoto

16."Say, 'Hi, how are you doing?' as an opener for asking your real question. So fake."



"Completely agree, but I have yet to find an alternative."


17."Follow sports."



"My sports-loving friends can't understand how I know so little about sports. 'You retain so much knowledge about D&D! How can't you just pick a team?'"Because then I'll forget my hard-studied lore, LMAO."


"'You don't follow sports? But you MUST support your local team!'

"I MUST support them? What will happen if I don't?



18."Recording yourself doing an act of charity or a good deed in general. Completely devalues it the second you hit 'post.'"

Couple taking a selfie while volunteering
Aaronamat / Getty Images/iStockphoto

And finally...

19."Talk to toxic family members."



"I've sadly cut off half my own family because of this. Gone through situations with significant others and encouraged them to do the same. It's hard, but sometimes VERY necessary for everyone's growth."


You can read the full thread of responses on Reddit.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.