People Are Sharing More Ways They’re Cutting Back On Things In Order To Save Money, And Most Of These Feel Very Doable

Recently, I did a post where I asked the BuzzFeed Community members to tell us what little or big changes they have made to help save them some money. Well, after publishing that post, people took to the comments to share more things they're doing to help economize.

  Hispanolistic / Getty Images
Hispanolistic / Getty Images

And below are some of the comments people left about the many ways they're finding to save money:


"Cancel any and all automatic payments for everything.

Makes me go over subscriptions, bills, reoccurring purchases, etc., with a fine-tooth comb.

Also, food shopping at places like Aldi, and only buying food I need for THAT week. I got so into pandemic mode where I would want to go grocery shopping 1–2x a month. But now I can start really meal planning again because I’m buying groceries once a week and using pantry items.

Also, only buying fresh vegetables if I know I’m going to make something with them. Otherwise, frozen only."



"Use credit cards that give you rewards. Obviously make sure to read the fine print, but for example, Amazon has a credit card for Prime Members that gives you 5% back on a lot of stuff…and it’s easy to choose the cash back when you check out. As someone who was already spending the money on Amazon anyway, being able to pay for some of the purchases with rewards is awesome!"



"I quit my Sephora addiction. I love trying new products, but I finally realized many of them I barely used. Now I stick with one or two brands of skin care that I love and purchase most makeup for much less at the drugstore."


  Adrianhancu / Getty Images
Adrianhancu / Getty Images


"I flyer shop. I also have an app so I can check every sale at every grocery store. Most of the stores are close so I make a list of sale items. Or I use price match. I might use a bit of extra gas, but it's worth the savings from each store."



"Simply alternate between three pairs of shoes for them to last 3–4 years or so. They haven't fallen apart yet. Working from home pretty much eliminated caring too much about what I'm wearing so I've probably spent $300 on clothes in the last several years. My goal in 2023 and 2024 is to spend zero on that. Don't drink coffee or alcohol so spending on that isn't an issue (not for any religious or moral reasons. Simply don't like them and it's really expensive).

I just find it feels great to look back on several months and remember that I really didn't spend money on stuff I didn't particularly need. The concept of objects bringing me happiness is kind of boring. Just over it."



"I learned that my local library offers e-book checkout AND a wishlist tool. I have little control when it comes to books, and used to just buy whatever sounded good because 'books aren’t that expensive, and anyway, it’s an investment in my mind.' Now when I read a great review, or want to read more books by an author I like, I add to my library wishlist first. It’s 200 books long; assuming I would have impulse-bought all those books, those tools saved me at least $2,000.

Most libraries have this now, by the way!"


  Simplyzel / Getty Images/iStockphoto
Simplyzel / Getty Images/iStockphoto


"Groceries are just really expensive — and, for the first time in a long time, I am meal planning and shopping off a strict list. I now only have Hulu and PBS streaming channels, and I thankfully only have to go/drive to work two days a week. I keep my furnace at 68°. I use a budget phone provider and I’m changing my internet to a cheaper (but neighbors say is just as good) provider. Last night, I didn’t want to pack a lunch, but this morning, sensible me did to make sure I didn’t waste food or spend money needlessly."



"I get most of the clothes or toys for my son from Buy Nothing groups or consignment sales. I always bring breakfast and lunch to work. I also try my best not to let anything in my fridge go bad. A lot of stuff can be frozen and used later."



"Started using Imperfect Foods. I'm very impulsive at the grocery store. Imperfect Foods gives me three days to finalize my box. I throw out less produce and spend 25–50% less per week. I also like having external deadlines. If I'm left to my own devices, I'd buy too much."


  Imperfect Foods / Via


"I have 'no spend weeks' where I just try my best not to buy anything (other than necessities) for one week. It's manageable and makes a dent."



"I’ve always been Tom boy-ish, I’ll get a couple of 8-packs Fruit of The Loom tees, that last a year. I schedule my errands — especially when I have doctors appointments — and I do them ALL while I’m out, saves gas. Make my meal in bulk and buy mostly canned foods, peanut butter and jelly, and pasta they can last for years."



"I actually read the weekly circulars for the groceries and make meals around what is cheapest or on sale. It can be fun actually. Last week they had 12–15 different produce items all at $1 a pound. I bought a pound of each and had a blast trying to make meals for the week using it all."


  Cjmacer / Getty Images
Cjmacer / Getty Images


"This is a VERY specific suggestion, but maybe it’ll work for some of you?

I discovered that my local community college (which I had taken a couple classes at a zillion years ago) allows anyone who has ever worked or studied there to use their fitness facilities for free. So maybe, if you live near a college or university you attended, they’ll let you work out for free? Might be worth checking out, if it lets you cancel a paid gym membership."



"I buy my clothes at Costco 😭😭😭."


  J. Michael Jones / Getty Images
J. Michael Jones / Getty Images

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.