22 Juicy Pieces Of Gossip For Everyone Who Hates Drama IRL But Lovessss Reading About It

I hate drama in my personal life — like, seriously, leave me out of it. But when I hear drama that has nothing to do with me...I'm like this:

person eating popcorn
person eating popcorn


So when Reddit user u/Difficult-Community1 asked, "What is the absolute best piece of gossip you have ever heard?" I was SEATED reading the responses. Here are 22 of the best!

1."A friend of mine broke up with her boyfriend and slept with this guy who she had the biggest crush on [Guy A] for YEARS. A few days later she started getting a burning in her vagina. She thought it was a yeast infection. NOPE! It was herpes. However, the guy she slept with [Guy A] had never had a herpes outbreak prior to the current one, so his herpes was new, too. Where did Guy A get the herpes from? He slept with a woman who had a recent herpes outbreak. This woman also slept with Guy A's FATHER and is now pregnant! But where did the herpes originally come from? FROM GUY A's FATHER."

"So to sum up: this woman is now pregnant, they don't know if the child's father is [Guy A or Guy A's father], and now everyone has herpes."


2."As a hair stylist, I hear a lot of wild gossip. Sometimes I’ll get a client and they’ll refer their sibling or parent or some other relative. I just have to pretend I don’t know shit when they start telling me gossip about other clients. It's wild."

"A friend/client of mine referred her aunt, and she was very comfortable telling me a lot of her personal business. Aunt wouldn’t stop telling me how much she hates her son-in-law and vice versa. They despise each other. Her and her daughter are very close and I was thinking maybe she’s just overbearing or overprotective of her. She then refers her daughter to me. I don’t tell her anything her mom says to me. Daughter tells me that her husband cheated on her before so she’s just mentally checked out of their marriage. She knows he lies and says he’s staying late for work when he’s actually seeing some other girls. She doesn’t care anymore, she just stays for the kids. Because of this, her mom [Aunt client] hates him and tries to keep the kids away from their dad. She [Aunt client] takes care of the kids when the daughter works cause the husband won’t show up to pick up the kids just to avoid seeing her.

SO fast forward a couple weeks later, we cycle back to my friend who originally referred them to me. She asked me how the appointment went. I said good, I was vague about it, I just said that it seems like they’re going through a lot. She then spills the beans. Long story short: The woman that the daughter’s husband was having an affair with is her OWN MOTHER [Aunt client]. He cut things off with her and she now hates him and makes his life difficult. The daughter doesn’t know. The mother’s husband knows she had an affair but doesn’t know it’s with the son-in-law. Several people in the family know but no one is telling them. It’s a fucking mess."


3."My half sister's boyfriend (maybe 20? 21?) has been cuddling with my stepmom (40). Apparently, they're very close and love to touch each other and have regular 'spooning' time where just the two of them go lay down in my dad's marital bed. My half sister is apparently ok with it now, but she was very upset in the beginning. Can't imagine what he told her to make it sound ok."

"This all started when COVID hit and he quarantined at my dad's house. I guess his mom is a nurse and it made sense to stay at his girlfriend's family's house.  ... He was a little under 18 when this first started. ... I think it does annoy my half-sister more than she lets on because she was in a very big hurry for them to move out after quarantine ended. But that didn't matter because now he drives back to the house to specifically have cuddle time. Sometimes they're alone in the house."


man saying, mrs. robinson you're trying to seduce me aren't you?
Embassy Pictures/United Artists

4."I (25F) regularly went to church growing up and was part of a big youth group (about 25/30 kids). ... The youth leader — let’s call him Gary — was a sweet guy, humble, and had good humor. Generally, people liked him, but I remember my parents always finding him awkward/hard to talk to. He had a cool wife — let’s call her Lisa. Lisa very sadly got cancer around the time I left the youth group. Over the years, the cancer got worse, COVID happened, and during COVID they had one of the youth [group] girls (she was 17/18) who was an intern at the church lodge move in with them. Lisa passed away about one year into the intern moving in. Exactly one year after Lisa’s death, Gary and the intern girl got ENGAGED."

"Bearing in mind — his children are two boys ages 14/17 and so now they have a stepmom that is only a few years their senior!!! Also not forgetting that Gary is a YOUTH leader now married to a 19-year-old. He’s late forties."


5."Last year, I lived in a house with two other women and one man ([we] were all in a post-grad course together). There was Girl A, Girl B, and the guy. Girl A was really close friends with the guy. Like, REALLY close. Texted daily, woke each other up with Instagram posts, cooked together — basically in a relationship without the relationship. He even got drunk once and told her he would be jealous if she brought another guy home. She of course caught feelings, because who wouldn’t?"

"Girl B disliked this guy immensely, even went as far as making some pretty insensitive comments about his appearance to his face. Despite this, everyone was friendly and the first few months of living together went smoothly.

So after Girl A caught feelings, she told Girl B and myself. I stayed supportive but didn’t influence her decision about whether to tell him or not — I just want to pass my course and get my degree. Girl B, though, was rather pushy about Girl A disclosing her feelings for the guy. [She] would ask, like, every other week if she had told him about her feelings yet, encouraged her to tell him, etc.

Girl A finally disclosed to the guy that she liked him. He said the feelings weren’t mutual, and she took it like a champ, still wanted to be friends with no weirdness. Then, about five days later, he says he’s interested in Girl B and wants to pursue a relationship with her. Cue confusion.

So Girl B comes to Girl A and says she actually ALSO has feelings for this guy, and would Girl A be okay if she pursued a relationship? Of fucking course not. She just disclosed her feelings five days ago, this is still raw, everyone’s living together, no way. She says she’d prefer if she didn’t do that right now since it still stings.

Guy comes home and explodes at Girl A. How could she EVER think she had a chance with him, she’s way too heavy for him to ever be interested, she has completely ruined his chance with Girl B because she had hurt feelings and now his life is terrible because of her.

Long story short, Girl B and the guy had been secretly fucking for two months after everybody went to bed. Girl B knew Girl A liked him and still slept with him, and actively encouraged Girl A to tell the guy she liked him.

Guy moved out, blaming everyone else for his problems. I moved out not soon after because I was stranded with these two girls and the house dynamic was weird. Last I heard Girl B and the guy are still together. They deserve each other."


6."Someone in my family got married very quickly to this new guy — like, they eloped after maybe six months of dating. Whatever. When you know, you know, right? But whenever this guy came to family functions, we all felt some super sketchy vibes from him. Like, all the parents of young children would feel the need to watch him closely even though we didn’t have any solid reason to be suspicious at the time. It eventually came out that the guy was a murderer who served like 30 years for strangling a woman. He hasn’t been invited to family functions since."


7."I’m from a small pretty wealthy village in Central Europe. A lot of gossip. The best thing that comes to mind: my mom’s cousin married the holiest of women in the village. She is always in the front every Sunday in church, praying the loudest. They have multiple children together, all grown up now. One of the sons didn’t look anything like her or his dad, but very much like a rich farmer from the village. Everyone talked about how he looks like his twin (they kinda looked like blonde Elvis 🤣). Well, he went on to marry the daughter of said wealthy farmer. Only after years of marriage when they wanted children, someone must have told them what’s up. Apparently, they took DNA tests and eventually they divorced. They were probably half-siblings."


person saying, while i'm always a fan of star-crossed lovers, at least romeo and juliet didn't share dna
The CW

8."Tales from a large and very dysfunctional family: identical twin sisters are very close. Twin A marries but can’t be apart from her twin, so the newlyweds invite Twin B to live with them. The three get along great for 10 + years until Twin B develops feelings for her BIL. Twin A is completely blindsided when they come clean and hubby asks for a divorce so he can marry Twin B. Family is shocked but refuses to take sides. Twin A cuts all ties and makes a new life for herself. Shockingly, Twin B’s marriage also ends in divorce a few years later when she discovers that the husband is having an affair with his brother's wife. Thus taking the phrase 'keeping it in the family' to a whole new level."


9."[A woman] I worked with was sleeping with our manager. Which wasn't against company policy, but was frowned upon. Then they decide to get married after they find out she's pregnant. A year later, [the] baby is born, and everything is great. Then our manager gets fired, and his wife takes his position. We are confused because it was so sudden, but things happen. Then she files for divorce and tells everyone her baby was the company's owner. This sends everyone into chaos because the owner's wife was pretty close to this woman. So now our workplace is a battleground. Eventually, the owner's wife files for divorce. But that's not even the twist."

"[We] found out later that the baby was my ex-manager's baby. This chick was just trying to 'move up in the world' and tried to pin the kid on the owner. They did sleep together, but well before her pregnancy. And she admitted this to me and a few other 'trustworthy people' right before our company shut down."


10."I used to work at a bank as a lower-level manager. The bank was expanding, and I knew there would soon be an opening for a job above me, so I spent about a year working hard, bringing in business, to try for the promotion. There was another person on my level — we’ll call her Ava. Ava had a young child and would mostly sit around at work and complain about her husband. I genuinely liked her and thought her husband sounded awful. But our boss, we’ll call him Tony, would frequently give her credit for my work."

"I understood why when he promoted her over me. I was disappointed and confused but continued on with my job. I started to notice though that Ava and Tony (also married with young children), would go to off-site meetings a lot together and leave me to run the branch. I felt resentful that I was passed up for the promotion and now doing the job.

So I confided in an employee, who was a long-standing friend of mine outside of work — we’ll call him Greg. I never made any accusations; I just told Greg that Ava and Tony were always leaving and going to meetings together and I didn’t understand why. Greg said, 'Come on, you’re really going to be jealous like that?' We had multiple conversations about it, where he always told me I was jealous that Ava got promoted and to stop worrying about it.

I didn’t feel comfortable anymore, so I left the job. Ava left shortly after to a different bank for another big promotion. Then her husband died by suicide (not gossip, it’s very sad I know), and less than a few months later she announced on Facebook that Tony had left his wife and the two of them were together. She moved into his huge house that he had built with his wife and they got married in a huge fairytale wedding like this all wasn’t the product of a bunch of sneakiness and quid pro quo.

A few years later, I ran into Greg’s ex-girlfriend and we had a long conversation about everything that went down. Apparently, during the time he was dismissing me, he was also stalking Ava. His ex told me he was obsessed with what was going on between Tony and Ava and was constantly driving by their houses to see what cars were there, etc. It caused the end of his relationship with the ex because she felt like the only explanation was that he had feelings for her.

Ava and Tony are still happily together."


11."I grew up in a VERY tiny community. ... We all knew each other. When I was maybe 12 or 13, my best friend’s aunt got a little tipsy and told us that the local hairdresser and her husband were swingers and had approached her and her husband at a bar. Me and my friend giggle about it, but overall it wasn’t a shocking revelation. This past year my best friend’s aunt died — it was awful and really shook the community. We were all sharing stories of her impact on our lives, and I mentioned how she had told me and my best friend that the hairdresser and her husband were swingers and how it was funny at the time. Now being an adult, my mom decides to let me in on the juicy gossip. Apparently, it wasn’t just the hairdresser and her husband, but everyone who lived on their street!"

"A whole suburb-like development in a small ass town that was made with the entire purpose of swinging. Teachers, seamstresses, the guy that does taxes, everyone. So many absolute pillars of the community had settled and specifically made a swingers suburb. Whenever anyone had moved out of the area, apparently it was an exile of the couple from the swinging group and was quite the debacle. It was just common knowledge apparently, but I had reached the age to know about it."


woman sayin, cary and i are polyamorous the more time we spend with ou and joe, we can't stop thinking about the two of you we would love to take our relationship to a new level

12."My accountant who does my taxes told me she does taxes for a wealthy lady who owns multiple properties. Apparently, this lady’s husband was having an affair, found out who the affair partner was, but she wasn’t planning on calling him out on it until she saw the affair partner on the news because she had been arrested. What was she arrested for? The affair partner had ALSO been in another relationship with a married man and they conspired to kill his (also wealthy) wife for the money. So she finally calls out her husband on the affair, asking if they were planning on doing the same to her, and he ADMITS EVERYTHING."

"Apologetic, whatever. She leaves him, didn’t report him, and then she finds out her ex-husband has a terminal illness. For whatever reason (I guess she pitied him), she decided to be his caregiver until he died."


13."When I was younger, my dad used to take me to his married 'friend's' house. I'll call her Lassy. I didn't think anything of it because I had known her and her sons since I was born (more on this later). It started to get awkward when my dad got a girlfriend. I would get yelled at or silenced for asking to go to her house and play with her sons, and when my dad would take me to the mall or park we'd come home and my dad's girlfriend would privately take me aside and ask me if we went to Lassy's house."

"On some occasions I told her we did, because that was the truth. Obviously this led to fights, her making me promise to tell her whenever we went, and my dad asking me to promise him I wouldn't tell her or else I couldn't play with Lassy's sons anymore. Eventually, there was a day I woke up to brush my teeth, and my dad's girlfriend was in the bathroom peeing. When I looked at her face, it was green and purple and horrid-looking. I was about four at this time, so I felt no shame in asking her what happened to it. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and was like, 'I went to Lassy's to see if your dad was there, and she punched me in the face.' After that, my dad stopped taking me to Lassy's house.

When I was a bit older, I expressed to my mom how I missed Lassy and her sons. My mom let me know that Lassy was my dad's lawyer when he won custody of me. She helped my dad and his friends lie in front of a court of law about my mom's character so that he would win...the most messed up part about it is my dad literally kidnapped me before he won custody, but he made everyone think that my mom was out of her mind so nobody believed her in court...also, he wanted me to be aborted when he found out I existed lol.

Anyway, I found out from my aunt and my grandma that Lassy's youngest son is my illegitimate brother. Lassy and my dad were banging during throughout the whole custody battle.

20ish years later, I tried to find them on social media. I couldn't find her sons, and her Facebook profile seems fake. It has really weird photoshopped pictures, and she never responded to the message I sent her years ago. My dad, his girlfriend, and my new siblings moved states away about seven years ago, and they were just married on New Year's Day of this year.

I don't think my brother knows any of this, but I wonder what good it would do since he has a whole life, a loving father figure (her husband), and my dad and his now-wife I imagine wouldn't like to revisit this time in their relationship. Part of me wants to just bring it all up to appease the heartbroken four-year-old in me, realizing she couldn't see her buddies anymore. I'm an adult now though, and I talk to my toxic-ass parents as little as possible. Hopefully, one day I can find my brother without going through them."


14."[A] 17-year-old boy got a 14-year-old girl pregnant while at school, so the welfare department got involved. The boy's mother worked for a lady lawyer, so she helped and advised the son on what to do. (Lawyer was in her thirties and married, no kids). No clue what happened to [the] baby but it never materialized so was either BS or miscarried. Next thing boy and lawyer lady are having an affair and she's pregnant with his child. Still together a year later. Life can be stranger than fiction."


15."I used to be in a Facebook group where drama would kick off constantly. It was a pretty toxic place but I stayed for ages just to lurk on the shenanigans. Probably the biggest drama was a woman who had been in the group for years since the beginning. There was a kind of core 'in crowd' who basically lived most of their lives on this group, she was one of the most popular and well-loved of them and had close online friendships with many members outside of the group. This woman had experienced lots of miscarriages and her child had died in infancy and she posted a lot about how she was really struggling with it. She recently had adopted a baby and everyone in the group was super supportive and she’d post updates all the time about how it was going."

"Well, it turned out that this person wasn’t who they said they were. They were a catfish with fake pictures and a whole fake life story. Basically, some of the members became suspicious and did some hardcore online sleuthing and discovered the real person behind the photos and other things that proved they were a catfish. This person had made close connections with other people who had been through infant loss who had shared really intimate details of their lives with her. I believe she may have also taken money from people as well. When I tell you people went wild, it went on for weeks with literally hundreds of posts about it, thousands of comments, just absolute mayhem. People were posting photos of themselves crying, it was like someone had died."


person saying the lies end now

16."[I] worked at an assisted living dementia unit. The activity director 'Barbie' was attracted to 'Ken' who was a phlebotomist that would come in occasionally. Then, her boss 'Kim' (who was also Barbie’s cousin) started realizing Ken was showing up more often. So one day she went back there and found them both in a patient's room in the patient's bed. Obvi, she was fired on the spot. Ken was fired from his job as well. Oh yeah, and Barbie and Ken are both married…to other people. That would have been bad enough, but it gets worse. The patient's family had installed a camera in the room so they could watch Granny sleep. Kim knew about it, but Barbie hadn’t been told yet. The family saw a lot more than sleeping. They were not happy."


17."Okay, so a little bit of back story on why I even cared about this gossip… I grew up VERY religious (Mormon) and when I was in middle school a new couple moved to my small town that was Mormon, too. Now, this couple was not like other Mormons. They were so fun and cool and dressed really funky, and to cut a long story short, they quickly became my idols. I wanted to be just like the wife and have a perfect little family just like theirs. Fast forward twelve years (I am long out of the church) she announces on Facebook that her husband was leaving her. I don’t remember the whole post, but it was long, cryptic, and dramatic so everyone just kind of assumed he was probably cheating on her."

"Like a month later he starts posting pictures with this lady that honestly looked exactly like his soon-to-be ex-wife. After a little digging, I find out that not only does she look very similar, but she was really good friends with her! She was her employee and had kids that were similar ages so they did everything together.

The new couple came out that they’re in a relationship and really really quickly got engaged. The ex-wife posted about how disgusting it was that they announced their engagement days after the divorce was finalized and for months that was it. We all just assumed he was cheating on her with her friend and decided to leave his marriage and start a new one. It wasn’t until ex-wife made one more post and came out to everyone that they were actually a throuple for years and that when she asked her husband to go back to being just them, he refused and left her. This was shocking to say the least because monogamy and heterosexuality are kinda required in the Mormon church. They all ended up leaving the church and now co-parent."


18."In Utah, USA, there is a company that sends college students on a mini English teaching program outside the country. The idea is you teach English for them and they give you cheap housing and time to travel in said place. The catch is you have to follow the owners' strict religious morality rules, such as you can’t date anyone in your group. (This included no sex and alcohol.) I ended up in China in a group of 22 people. The trip was built for six months. There was a best friend pair that came, [let's] call them N and H — N is male and H is female. Their story is they are childhood best friends. Their families know each other etc."

"Ok cool, childhood best friends, who cares. Oddly enough, no one in the group would’ve cared if they were dating or were going to — because none of us cared about the stupid moral rule. Even the ‘leaders’ of the group, a young couple and an unhinged barely 19-year-old didn’t care.

It’s that they legit lied, denied, and manipulated the secret that was their relationship. H told us that she had a fiancé at home…yet she came on this six-month trip with her male best friend. You can imagine the gossip that surrounded the group. It was all about building evidence of these two liar lovers. You can tell the tension between them when they were fighting and when they were flirty.

It came to a HUGE, just giant, confrontation when H’s roommate went through her camera to see if she had any photos of herself from a trip they had just taken. Lo and behold, [she] found a picture if H and N kissing in front of a temple.

This blew up as she went around showing everyone the evidence that finally validated everyone’s suspicions. H and N still denied it and claimed it was an accident and that H cheated on her fiancé. Which was totally fucking dumb because why would you rather admit to being a cheater?

Turns out N was her fiancé. Better yet N’s middle name was the made-up fiancé's name. They married as soon as they came home. Wildest shit ever."


19."Well, I found out that my grandpa had a surgery for a penile implant (those that you can inflate/deflate by a mechanism stored in the balls) to be able to have sex with his mistress that he rents a house for."


Austin Powers getting his belongings back while a man announcers one swedish-made penis enlarger pump
New Line Cinema

20."I had the most lovely regulars at a bar I worked at in college. Somehow we got on the topic of how they met... They were both married to other people, great family friends, and also swingers between the two couples. One Christmas, the exes sat everyone down and told both families they were divorcing their spouses for each other. My regulars were like 'fuck those guys' and sparked up a relationship of their own out of spite. They are now a happily married power couple, and the ex's married, but have since divorced. These people need a reality show."


21."I (25F) used to work at a casino in a small department. My boss (45M) was never inappropriate with me or made me feel uncomfortable. He’s also married with five kids; the youngest is a year old. One time I left work and realized I left my wallet in my desk, so I went back to get it. When I got there, everyone had already left for the day but my boss’s office door was closed, and the light was still on. My department was very particular about leaving lights on for some reason, so on my way out, I figured I would help him out. I opened his office door only to find him having sex with this other married woman from my company."

"I apologized and ran out. I wasn’t sure if I should say anything to him or not, but he never said a word to me about it. Fast forward six months, I no longer work there. My old boss has been obsessively texting me, asking if he could taste me, saying he’s been fantasizing about me since day one, etc.

I started to confide in a friend who still worked there because I was uncomfortable with everything he was saying…turns out my old boss has slept with almost every single woman that worked at the casino. No joke. And I know that because he kept a black book of secrets, and accidentally dropped it in the parking lot when leaving work one day. ... I would’ve [talked to HR]...except the HR manager was one of the women."


22.And finally, let's end on the absolute weirdest one: "My friend's mom went camping with some friends of hers. They went on a hike and when they came back they could tell that someone had been rummaging through their tents. Nothing was taken though. They shook it off and eventually went home. Well, his mom took the film to be developed (remember those days?), and when they got the pictures they discovered what actually happened. Some guy took all of their toothbrushes, shoved them up his ass and took a picture with their camera. You know, the same toothbrushes they had been using that entire time."


What's the wildest gossip YOU know? Tell us in the comments below or submit anonymously here!

Submissions have been edited for length/clarity.