People Are Sharing Jobs That Are Total Scams, And It's Really Eye-Opening

Listen, there's plenty of ways to make a decent living. But some jobs are also just straight-up scams.

A man shoving a wad of cash in his jacket pocket
Peter Dazeley / Getty Images

U/HurtHurtsMe recently asked the people of Reddit, "What profession do you consider to be a bunch of scam artists?" Maybe you agree, maybe you don't — either way, these suggestions will definitely get you thinking twice about things:

1."The author of any 'How to get rich' book. 'I can show you how to be a billionaire. $29.95 please.'"


2."Timeshare salespeople."


A realtor talking with an older couple and showing them a file
Diane Diederich / Getty Images/iStockphoto

3."Telemarketers, for sure."


4."Carnival barkers trying to lure you to a rigged or unwinnable game of hitting the pins where they are glued to the table."


A carnival worker holding a cane and waving someone over
Straight 8 Custom Photography / Getty Images/iStockphoto

5."Chiropractors. I'm not denying that they can be helpful, but from the majority of what I've heard from family and friends, they aren't."


A chiropractor working on a patient
Rafa Fernandez Torres / Getty Images

6."Politicians. They tell you what you want to hear, get money from you to run for office, they get your vote to be elected, but once they're in office, they don’t really do anything for you unless you are rich."




A psychic using a crystal ball
Getty Images

8."Recruiters. The whole concept is a lie. While they say they want to find long-lasting employees for employers, they are also constantly undermining stability and making huge money while doing so. If I have a $100,000 budget for a position, I'd rather give it all to the employee than $80,000 to the employee and $20,000 to a recruiter who made a 10-minute phone call."


9."Anyone dealing in cryptocurrency."


Bitcoin symbols coming out of someone's phone
D3sign / Getty Images

10."In Germany, there is a profession called Heilpraktiker in which they try to scam you with homeopathy. You don't have to prove anything that people who study medicine or psychology have to, you just have to prove that you don't cause harm — and that tells you all you need to know."


11."I have no respect for life coaches. They have no regulations they have to abide by, and their practices often aren’t based on actual, empirical science. There’s a reason counseling requires years of schooling. Most of them have no fucking clue what they’re doing, and strive to suck money from vulnerable people."


12."Art dealers."


A man holding a framed object
Westend61 / Getty Images/Westend61

13."US healthcare worker here: healthcare, but not the people at the bedside. I’m talking about the money-grubbing monopoly that's in charge of billing."


A medical bill with a stethoscope on top of it
Prapass Pulsub / Getty Images

14."Management consultants."


"When you realize their job is to be the scapegoat for a policy that actual management wanted to implement but knew would be unpopular, they make a lot more sense."


15."Pastors and preachers. If I could sleep at night, I would talk on Wednesday and Sunday and take 10% of your income, too."


A priest reading from the Bible
Luis Alvarez / Getty Images

And finally...

16."Supreme Court Justice."


Agree? Disagree? Got your own suggestions? See you in the comments!

These entries have been edited for length and clarity.