18 Huge Trends That It Feels Like Everyone Has Completely Forgotten About

Remember when chunky highlights were a big thing in the early '00s? Heck, you might have even had them because it was such a HUGE trend. But then, one day, poof, it went completely out of style, and we all moved on and forgot about it.

A woman with chunky highlights in her hair
bobbieo / Getty Images

And that's exactly what redditor u/broadway96 wanted to know when they asked: "What was a huge trend everyone forgot about?"

Closeup of a Livestrong bracelet
Stephen Chernin / Getty Images

Well, lots of people chimed in to share the big trends that are now pretty much forgotten. Here are some of the top and best comments:

1."That odd period when everything was themed around a mustache."

A woman with a mustache on her finger

2."The 'Keep Calm And...' trend."

"Keep Calm And Drink Wine"

3."Fun ringtones."

"Cutie ringtone Snuggle Bunny"




Kids wearing Heelys

6."Yo-yos had a big resurgence when I was a kid in the '90s. They were all the rage for, like, half of one school year, and then, they just kind of vanished. It was fun playing with them with my dad for a while, and I did learn a few tricks."

A yo-yo

7."Candy Crush Saga. How did everyone have that much time on their hands?"

A phone screen showing "Candy Crush Saga"

8."The 'challenges' like the Cinnamon Challenge, the Ice Bucket Challenge, etc."

Kermit being doused in ice water
Kermit being doused in ice water

The Muppets / Via youtube.com


9."Harlem Shake"

"Do the Harlem shake"
"Do the Harlem shake"



"Gonna be honest, I miss the Harlem Shake."


10."Flash mobs."

People doing a flash mob in public

11."Fidget spinners and dabbing."

A man dabbing
A man dabbing

MTV Productions


"A 30-year-old substitute teacher here. I dab sometimes when the kids say something dab-worthy, which is either met with cringes or laughter. Either one gives me strength."


12."Tae Bo"

A Tai Bo tape

13."Swing music in the late '90s."

people dancing

14."Metrosexual as a term."

"Metrosexuals Come Out"




Andy Samberg planking on Jimmy Fallon's desk

17."Pokémon Go. I know some people still play, but it was huge when it first came out."

"Pokémon Go"

18.And lastly: "Beanie Babies."

Beany Babies

You can read the full thread of responses on Reddit.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.