Salt, Bay Leaves, And 14 More Ingredients That People Think Totally Ruin Meals For Them

Listen — everyone has that one ingredient that, if they can even taste just a little bit of it in their food, could completely ruin whatever they're eating. Admit it, you've got one, too.

A woman eating food from a bowl
Nicoleta Ionescu / Getty Images/iStockphoto

U/Elaina_Dilara recently asked the people of Reddit, "What ingredient do you think destroys any dish?" I gotta say, I don't agree with some of these at all — but, hey, you just might:

1."Too much salt. Almost impossible to recover."


2."The onion: somehow both vital to every goddamn recipe but, 'You won't even know it's there!'"


A hand holding an onion
Israel Sebastian / Getty Images

3."Fennel. I just don’t like it."


4."Green bell peppers. Sorry, but I just don’t like them at all personally."


5."Cilantro, it truly is the devil's lettuce!"


Cilantro in a bowl
Евгения Матвеец / Getty Images

6."Anything anise-flavored — anisette, ouzo, pastis, absinthe, sambuca, you name it. It makes the whole goddamn drink taste like black licorice, which is great if you like black licorice, but terrible for everyone else. Don the Beachcomber had the right idea when he would only add six drops of it to a given drink."


7."Truffle. So overpowering."


Hands holding truffles
Bruce Yuanyue Bi / Getty Images

8."Raw tomato. It overpowers everything to me."


9."Mushrooms. Instant dish destroyer, even after they’ve been removed."


Catherine Mcqueen / Getty Images

10."Parsley. The smell alone makes me nauseous."


11."Cinnamon. This is just because I personally hate cinnamon; I recognize dishes aren't destroyed by it."


Ground cinnamon
Westend61 / Getty Images

12."Coffee. People put coffee in rubs and chocolate desserts and a few other things, and it is vomitous."


13."Rosemary. Do not enjoy it."


14."Olives. I don’t get it. They’re a garnish at best."


Atlantide Phototravel / Getty Images

15."Lima beans. Like eating little packets of sand."


16."Bay leaves. For some reason, I hate them. I feel like they ruin any dish someone puts one in."


Bay leaves
Victor Cardoner / Getty Images

Agree? Disagree? Have your own additions? See you in the comments!

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.