17 Trends That People Are SO GLAD Aren't A Thing Anymore, And DO NOT Want To See Ever Again

Whether we like it or not, fads and trends are a part of our culture. Some are good, and some are...not so good.

Bunny Meyer

So when Reddit user u/Animeking1108 asked the the people of the internet, "What fad are you glad died out?" I was curious to see what everyone had to say. Here are some of the most upvoted responses:

1."Double polo shirts with the popped collars."

a man wearing two polo shirts with their collars popped

2."Overuse of the word 'epic.' For a while, everything was 'epic.' Ugh."



3."YOLO culture. Not like the YOLO where you take a vacation that you’ve always wanted, but doing stupid shit because, 'YOLO.'"



4."LuLaRoe. I never understood the trend. Weird fabric with ugly patterns."

LuLaRoe patterns

5."The clowns standing in the middle of the street or in the woods. Glad that's over."

6."Moustache finger tattoos."

a woman holding up a mustache finger tattoo to her face

7."Ed Hardy shirts."

Ed Hardy tank top

8."Low-fat or no-fat everything. I didn’t know yogurt could taste so good, and I thought everyone cooked with light oil spray. Thanks, mum."

low-fat yogurt cup

9."Live Love Laugh signs."

Live laugh love sign on a door

10."Paper-thin and over-plucked eyebrows."

Gwen Stefani with thin eyebrows

11."Those rubber Livestrong-style bracelets. They had a different color for everything."

a person wearing a Livestrong bracelet

12."Wearing jeans underneath skirts and randomly throwing on a tie with any outfit."

Ashley Tisdale on the red carpet in the skirt with jeans look

13."Those jelly shoes. No matter what style, just sweaty feet and insane blisters."

a person wearing jellies

14."Furbies. No, I will not be taking questions about them waking me up like happy little demons at 2:30 a.m. at this time."

Furby dolls

15."3D TVs and movies. They were something no one ever asked for before they were basically forced on us."

people wearing 3D glasses in a theater

16."Kale in EVERY FOOD for 'health.' I am mildly allergic, and it causes my entire mouth and throat to itch as if I've eaten a cactus. Even fast-food places were adding 'healthy kale' to their salads and sandwiches."

a burger with kale on it

17.And finally, "planking."

a woman planking

Are there any fads/trends you were happy to see die out? Tell us in the comments.

Note: Responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.