People Are Sharing Discontinued Things That Need To Come Back And Omg, YES

Reddit user u/Seraphicly329 had us all reminiscing on the good days this week when they asked: "What's [something that got] discontinued, but you miss like hell and you wish came back?" I even forgot that some of these ever existed, but now that I remember, I need them back STAT.

"Do it now"
"Do it now"

Giphy / Rosanna Pansino

Check out some of the top-voted answers below.

1. "The $1 menu at every fast food joint."


2. "Pizza Hut lunch buffets."


Pizza Hut
Claudiodivizia / Getty Images

3. "When TV stations were about what they claimed to be about...MTV, History Channel, Discovery Channel, Science Channel, TLC (The Learning Channel), AMC (American Movie Classics), ABC Family Channel, A&E."


4. "'90s Nickelodeon. Legends of the Hidden Temple, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Double Dare, The Adventures of Pete & Pete, etc."


5. "Physical items for music, video games, movies, etc. ... Too many things are moving to digital where you don't actually own anything. All you have is a license to use the digital media. ... Maybe I'm becoming 'Old man ranting about change,' but I'm concerned about how everything's become a monthly subscription service where the companies control what you have access to and can remove things whenever they want."


6. "Jello brand pudding pops. There is nothing else like it in the market, and anything that I have found doesn't taste the same. I just want my pudding pops back, danggit."


7. "All my favorite tops that ever wore out. The fashion train just moves on regardless, you can never go back and just purchase the same awesome un-dyed linen blouse with the frog closures and Chinese collar, you have to start all over again no matter how much you hate shopping because walking around naked isn't an option."


8. "The Blue Raspberry Sour Skittle. They act like it never existed, but I know better."


9. "McDonald’s snack wraps. :("


10. "The optimism of the 1990s."


11. "$5 footlongs."


A person putting a $5 in their wallet
Boy_anupong / Getty Images

12. "Choco Tacos. ):"


13. "Ecto Cooler. When it came back temporarily a few years ago, I got some but figured it would be crappy like most nostalgia-bait food and drink. It was glorious. So damn tasty."


14. "24-hour anything."


15. "Miiverse on the Wii U. I know many people didn’t own a Wii U, but it had a charm; it showed what people were playing and their thoughts on it in the home menu."


16. "Blockbuster."


17. "iPod or any audio player that’s small, portable, and works offline."


An older iPod
Gado / Gado via Getty Images

18. "The YouTube dislike, this is corporate cowardice."


19. "Altoids Sours. Love them so much, still have some of the old tins I use to store random things."


20. "Being able to afford housing on middle income."


21. "Fruitopia. Drinks today just don’t have the same burn in your throat."


Elhenyo / Getty Images/iStockphoto

22. "Vine. It was an awesome app."


23. "Sanity and civility in politics."


24. "Aquamarine, a perfume that Bath & Body Works used to sell. That fragrance has been the most evocative, sensory trigger to a time when things felt so much better. I was so upset when I heard they stopped selling those! If I ever got to smell it again, I would just BATHE IN IT AND SWIM IN THAT NOSTALGIA."


Someone spraying perfume on their wrist
Ftiare / Getty Images/iStockphoto

25. "Lawn Darts. One time someone gets hurt, they stop selling it. Meanwhile guns."


26. "Not discontinued, but Levi’s definitely changed how they made their jeans. They just don’t fit the same, and the materials feel very different."


27. "Cars that had actual buttons for everything. So you don't need to dig in the infotainment menus to adjust the A/C temperature."


A screen on the dash of a car
Jackyenjoyphotography / Getty Images

28. "Aladdin's Castle. It was an arcade in the local mall. I was heartbroken when they closed that place down. So many good memories as a kid in that place."


29. "Tube tops."


30. "Rice Krispies Treats cereal. I had it exactly once, and it was magic."


Do you agree with any of these? Is there something else that got discontinued that you're secretly hoping will come back? Tell me yours in the comments below!

Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.