14 Cringe Dating Moments That Will Have You Delete Your Dating App Out Of Secondhand Discomfort

I recently asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell me about what happened on their cringefest dates. Oh, to be a fly on the wall for you poor souls.

Here are the results:

boy peeks through his fingers, frightened
boy peeks through his fingers, frightened

Warner Bros.

1."He told me he loved me...on the first date."


2."I met up with the guy at a coffee shop for a first date. We’d never met before. He was over 30 minutes late with no excuse. He proceeded to talk over me the entire time, to the point I couldn’t get a word in if I tried. He admitted casually he did not listen well to people when they talked to him. The next day, he sends me a text saying I’m very beautiful and a 10/10, but I’m too quiet for him. Yes, I'm quiet, but I literally couldn’t get a word in."


3."I met up with a guy for dinner after meeting via a dating app. About 15 minutes into the conversation, he called me by the wrong name. I called him out for it, only to find out that he got another girl and me on the app mixed up and thought he was going on a date with someone else. It was very awkward, but it was also my favorite Mexican restaurant, so I stayed and finished the dinner."


crowd chants "you deserve it"
crowd chants "you deserve it"


(You deserve the good Mexican food, not the bad date. lol)

4."My freshman year of college, my boyfriend at the time and some friends visiting from home crashed in my dorm room after a night of heavy drinking. I woke up to my now ex-bf bare ass farting in my face..."

"...It was awful. What is with men and bodily functions?!"


5."A guy asked me out on a date, and my first instinct said, 'RUN!!!!,' but I stupidly agreed. After getting to the restaurant, ordered, and after eating, the waiter brought the check… He told me then that he had no money on him and asked me if I could cover it. All in all, I ended up spending $150..."

"...That was the first and last date."


Will Ferrell cringes
Will Ferrell cringes

Funny or Die

6."I went on a Tinder date last year to go see Multiverse of Madness. He was nice enough, but about 10 minutes into the movie (as Doctor Strange is waking up from a nightmare in which he died), I went to adjust my weight on the chair and put my hand on the chair to do so, and he started reaching for my hand. I immediately leaned my entire body away from him for the rest of the movie, hands on the other armrest, legs crossed away from him. Looking back, he was also really boring. The only thing I knew I had in common with him was that we both liked Marvel movies. Other than that, despite my best attempts, I couldn’t find anything else in common with him because he never shared anything about himself, even though I tried asking him questions..."

"...That was my first and last Tinder date, and I never opened the app again after that day."


7."I was dating this super conservative/religious guy for a short time, and after one of our dates, we came back to my place and were making out in our underwear. Everything was fine until he started enthusiastically dry-humping me… I was just kind of laying there staring at the ceiling, not sure what to do while he was panting and really into it, and he 'finished' in his briefs about two minutes later. After getting dressed, he told me he had to go to confession in the morning now because of what we did..."

"...Safe to say I ended things shortly thereafter."


8."Last day of the State Fair, near the end of the night. My date was doing the basketball toss with the basket relatively far but definitely not impossible. He must have missed like eight shots in a row when the guy running the game told him just to shoot till he made it because it was the last day of the fair, and it didn't matter. Twenty shots later, he finally got one! I felt super awkward standing there waiting for him to make the shot, especially since I definitely could have made the shot in three or fewer, but I didn't want to emasculate him by asking to try."


Michael Jordan laughing while on a tablet
Michael Jordan laughing while on a tablet


9."We had only been dating a few weeks and were chilling in the hot tub at my apartment. I accidentally knocked her phone and two of her vapes INTO the hot tub. The vapes were goners, but luckily her phone survived, as did our relationship. We're getting married in a few months. I was so embarrassed and felt so bad. I thought it was the end for sure."


10."In my late teens, I went on a first date with a boy who didn't drive. That didn't bother me at all. I picked him up, and we were enjoying ourselves, up to the point that I realized I needed to stop for gas. He offered to pump the gas for me...then proceeded to get a LOT of gas on himself. The smell was strong, of course, and I wasn't upset at all, but he just wouldn't stop freaking out about it and saying he had ruined our date, etc. I offered to take him home to change, but he didn't want to do that. I can't deal with the cringe, and it was SO uncomfortable. We went out a couple more times. Then I discovered he was also clingy and wanted to call me a million times a day..."

"...Sorry, but that's a no from me, dawg.


11."I wear glasses. About 10 years ago, I was on a first date, and he said, 'Glasses are a big turn-on for me. My mom wears glasses.'"


Jim Carrey cringes hard
Jim Carrey cringes hard

Universal Pictures

12."I was on a first date, sitting on a nice little outdoor patio at a café...We were chatting and getting along. Eventually, I had to get up to visit the bathroom, and that's when I realized I was stuck. I've no idea how, but somehow the belt loop at the back of my jeans had twisted around the curly wrought iron back of the chair. Obviously, I couldn't see behind me, so upon realizing the problem, I had to ask my date to see if he could free me. I didn't really want him looking down the back of my jeans at this point... He couldn't fix it either. It had wound itself around so tightly! I had to get him to ask to borrow the café's kitchen scissors and cut the belt loop off my jeans to free me..."

"...So yeah, that went well! He was very gentlemanly about it all, and we did keep it light the whole time, so it could have been far worse!"


13."One of the first guys I ever dated...he was obsessed with threesomes. The moment I told him I was bi, he brought it up. Why do guys assume that just because you like girls too, you automatically want to have group sex? Not for me. No. He wouldn’t drop it...he had a list of 17 names in his phone of all the women he’d slept with...he literally added me to the list right in front of me. I swear this man was a sociopath. The fact that he didn’t see anything wrong with that..."

"...I could go on for a few more pages. Needless to say, blocking him was the best thing I ever did for myself."


14.And finally, "About six years ago, I had a casual date with a guy I knew from back high school. He picked me up, and halfway out of my driveway, he stopped his truck, got out, and peed in the grass a few feet away. Didn’t even close the door. But wait! It gets worse - we got back from the bar (I don’t know anymore what possessed me to continue the date), and he used the bathroom in my studio apartment, AGAIN WITH THE DOOR OPEN."

"...He left pretty soon after, and I haven’t seen him since."


man closes door
man closes door


Have you ever had the ultimate "cringe" date? Tell me about it in the comments below!