People Are Sharing The Biggest Lies They've Ever Been Told, And Some Of These Are Pretty Shocking

There are three things in life that remain constant: death, taxes, and people lying to your face nonstop.

  Siphotography / Getty Images/iStockphoto
Siphotography / Getty Images/iStockphoto

U/Just-Cupcake8252 recently asked the people of Reddit, "What's the BIGGEST lie you've been told?" At the very least, these answers might help you tell when you're being fooled in the future:

1."Crime doesn't pay. Crime DOES pay, and sometimes it pays very well. But you have to keep some pretty damn unsavory company."


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Image Source / Getty Images/Image Source

2."After you get your Master's degree, you are practically guaranteed to be offered a high-paying job out of thin air."


3."We're going to switch to a four-day work week in the US."


4."The math teacher telling us that we won't always have a calculator in our pockets."


  Hobo_018 / Getty Images
Hobo_018 / Getty Images

5."It’s illegal to have your interior lights on in the car at night."


  Artfoliophoto / Getty Images/iStockphoto
Artfoliophoto / Getty Images/iStockphoto

6."That if I fail a test, I’ll be kicked out of school. I was 6 when i was told that, and I believed it until I was 12."


7."That capitalism is about free markets."


8."'I didn’t receive your message.' What a damn lie — of course you did, I know you just don't want to spend time with me."


  Enes Evren / Getty Images
Enes Evren / Getty Images

9."Who I call my aunt is, in reality, my biological mother. She got pregnant in college and wanted to continue on her career path. So her brother and wife, who I call mom and dad, adopted me. Everyone but me was aware of this, and if they all had it their way, they would have let me take it to the grave. The only reason i figured it out is that after my mom and dad split, my mom was mad at me and told me. I was in high school, and I didn't believe her — until I asked my slightly intoxicated aunt about it. I still don't know who my biological father is 10+ years later. I've grown to accept it, but it's still a little strange."


10."My dad told me one of his jeans that had ripped pockets got like that when a crocodile attacked him in the Amazons."


  Richard Clark / Getty Images
Richard Clark / Getty Images

11."'Real men don't need therapy.' I listened to that one, and it cost me my marriage."


  Sdi Productions / Getty Images
Sdi Productions / Getty Images

12."Cursive is vital to learn."


13."'Your call is important to us.'"


  Knsy / Getty Images/Westend61
Knsy / Getty Images/Westend61

14."That vaccines cause autism. My mother is anti-vax and insisted the only reason I was diagnosed with Aspergers was because I got a shot as a kid. I believed her up until I was 15 and they started teaching in science to 'do my own research' and find factual evidence instead of just believing anything anyone says."


  D3sign / Getty Images
D3sign / Getty Images

And finally...

15."I think the Iraq War has to be high on the list. Lots of people were lied to, lots of people died. Pretty unmatched in more recent history."


Got your own? See you in the comments!

These entries have been edited for length and clarity.