15 Couples With The Funniest "Anyway, We're Married Now" Stories That'll Make You Believe Some Things Are Just Meant To Be

Ah, love. If it's meant to be, it'll always find a way — and that's what happened with these 15 Reddit users who shared their "Anyway, we're married now" stories:

1."My great-grandparents met because my great-grandfather was delivering the newspaper to my great-grandmother's house. Her brother thought he was trespassing and tried shooting at him. My great-grandmother felt bad and bought him lunch. They were together for over 75 years and lived a very happy life."

An older man kissing and hugging a smiling older woman
Vadym Plysiuk / Getty Images/iStockphoto

2."My dad threw a paper airplane at the back of my mom's head in college. She told him to grow up. Anyway, they've been married now for over 36 years."

A flying paper airpkane
Hapa / Getty Images

3."When I was younger, my best friend made an offhand comment of, 'If you were a girl, I'd want to date you.' I think it was meant as a joke at the time. One transition later, he was true to his word. Anyway, we're married now."

Smiling person waving a pride flag
Maskot / Getty Images/Maskot

4."I went on a date with a guy, and we were at the park after dinner watching the sunset. He was really funny and telling jokes. I got the giggles and accidentally let a fart trumpet out, then proceeded to laugh so hard, I peed my pants. Anyway, now we’ve been married 14 years."

A person covering their denim-clad rear end with their hands
Peter Dazeley / Getty Images

5."My friend tried to set me up with this guy for a hookup. He asked her for a photo, and she sent him the last selfie I sent her, which was me sitting on the toilet. Anyway, we’re married now."

A woman looking at her phone and smiling while sitting on the toilet bowl
Pixelfit / Getty Images

6."I had just started dating this guy, and he came over to hang out. My roommate was bitching about her coworker Pam. So I said, 'Who names their kid Pam, anyway? Fuck bitches named Pam.' My date said, 'My mom's name was Pam.' His dead mom. Anyway, we're married now."

Close-up of a woman covering her mouth with her jacket collar
Peter Muller / Getty Images/Image Source

7."My boyfriend cheated on me with a girl his roommate introduced him to. The roommate felt bad when he found out that I had not, in fact, been broken up with first, and told me what had been going on...anyway, the roommate and I are married now! Eight years married, second child arriving in six weeks."

Close-up of woman sitting with her head in her hands with a couple behind her
Mixmike / Getty Images

8."I had a cold and went on a date to an Irish pub. I was eating bangers and mash and had the urge to cough. I tried to keep my mouth shut but just wound up spraying his face with gravy and mashed potatoes through my pursed lips. I was still coughing, so I took a sip of my drink to soothe my throat. It was beer. The bubbles tickled my throat more. I also spit all over his face. He stared at me in disgusted horror as gravy, mashed potatoes, and beer dripped down his face onto his shirt. I laughed and laughed and laughed, making my apologies sound very insincere. Anyway, we're married now. Thank goodness our booth had high backs so only he suffered!"

A woman spitting out beer as a man hugs her
Skynesher / Getty Images

9."Hooked up from Craigslist. Anyway, we're married now."

A couple embracing in bed
Willie B. Thomas / Getty Images

10."When I was 13, I met a girl, Debby, at summer camp. She talked about her horses and attending the big interstate fair every year with her 4-H group. On my 13th birthday, Debby agreed to go to the carnival with me but wasn't all that interested. She brought along her annoying girlfriend, Rene. I was determined to get Debby alone, so I took the girls on a Tip Top ride. Rene got sick and puked. They used that as an excuse to split, and I never saw Debby again. Three years later, I became infatuated with a new girl at our school — who ended up being Debby. She took me back on the Tip Top, and this time I puked. Anyway, we're married now — for 41 years."

A carnival with rides
Alberto Menendez Cervero / Getty Images

11."He came to the door to borrow my sister's textbook. No one would answer the door, so I dragged myself out of bed and answered in a nightgown and curlers. He told me he was there to see my sister. Without a word, I nodded, turned around, and screamed, 'SISSS-TURRR.' Then I turned back around; said, 'Family intercom system,' completely deadpan; and left him standing on the porch while I went back to bed. He married me anyway — 38 years on the 21st."

A stack of textbooks
Jupiterimages / Getty Images

12."Met a new coworker, and our first interaction was me saying, 'I don’t believe you' under my breath as I walked by. He thought I said, 'I don’t like you.' Anyway, we’re married now."

An irritated woman looking at a smiling man
Yagi-studio / Getty Images

13."Right after our first kiss, he said, 'I’m not looking to get married.' 'Neither am I,' I replied. So anyway, we’re married now."

A smiling woman getting a piggyback ride from a smiling man
Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images

14."I met my wife in a public bathroom when we both tried using the same urinal. Anyway, we’re married now."

A man and a woman in a bathroom
Mapodile / Getty Images

15."The first time I met my wife was Halloween. I was sitting out a year of college working, but I went to a costume party at my old fraternity. I was pretty stupid drunk pretty early. Somehow I ended up in my buddy Eric’s room watching TV by myself. This girl barges into the room, looks at me, and says, 'You’re not Eric!' To which I reply, 'Neither are you!' Turns out her roommate was hot for Eric but too shy to go talk to him, so she decided to go find him. Two weeks later, the room barger and I got set up on a double date with Eric and the roommate. That was in 1991. Now we have three kids, and our youngest is having our first grandkid in December."

Smiling people at a party wearing face decorations
Satoshi-k / Getty Images

You turn! Share with us your "Anyway, we're married now" stories in the comments, and maybe we will feature it in an upcoming BuzzFeed post!

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.