People Are Disclosing Their "Really Dark" Secrets — And Some Are, Quite Frankly, Heartbreaking

Let's be honest: We all have secrets — but some people have really, really dark secrets that they wouldn't dare tell someone. That was until I found a Reddit thread where user u/AaneMeg asked: "What is your darkest secret?" and close to 9,000 people responded. Here's what they had to say below:

1."I inherited a butt-ton of money and haven't told anyone for years. I have lived very modestly — but one day, I plan on completely disappearing to my countryside house where no one will find me."

a pile of 100 dollar bills

2."I got locked outside my new apartment one time drunk with no underwear on, just a T-shirt while I was holding my cat — he wanted to check out the vestibule, and I went to show him real quick that it was empty — and the door locked behind us. I didn’t even have my phone on me, so I ended up having to introduce myself to my neighbors coming home from dinner like pulling my shirt down and explaining my situation. Luckily, I’m a female. If I was a dude, I feel like that would have been even more difficult to do."


"I once went out to sweep the front porch in my PJs, which were a T-shirt and some boxer shorts. As I bent over to sweep up the debris into the pan, my shorts fell all the way down to my ankles while my ass was pointing in the direction of the street and my whole busy neighborhood. I, too, was not wearing underwear under the shorts. I will never know how many neighbors saw my flapping ass and vag in the wind that day — but I still cringe thinking about it."


3."My wife thinks I take super long showers because I'm jerking off. I'm not (usually). Most of the time, I'm sitting in a cold shower trying to wash off my anxiety. It doesn't usually work."

a man taking a shower

4."I started hooking up with one of my closest friend’s ex not even a month after they broke up. It turned into semi-dating, and I even attended her mom and stepdad’s small wedding. He would always complain that she wouldn’t do things in bed — but she was an absolute freak with me. And while that made me feel even more guilty, it was also hot as fuck. She had him blocked on everything (related to the breakup, he was no saint). And even after she moved back to South Korea, and we ended things amicably, I got ahold of his phone when he was drunk one night and blocked her from his social media just in case she ever decided to reach back out. It’s been eight years, and nobody knows."


5."I nearly killed my brother accidentally. When we were kids, we were playing outside, and he just kinda annoyed me. So, I went home, got a can of peas, and then proceed to throw it at his head. He crumpled and was unconscious for a bit. I remember freaking out that maybe I killed him, but he came to several minutes later. To this day, almost 19 years later, he doesn’t remember anything, and he doesn’t seem to have any neurological problems; he seems normal. I haven’t told anyone this, not even my parents. I just told them he fell and hit his head when they noticed the lump on his head, but didn’t mention that he was unconscious."

a can of green peas with a spoon in it

6."I'm a male, and I've been selling my foot pics and videos pretending to be female for years."


"I thought about it a few times after a friend of mine (F) made $5,000 in a few weeks on OnlyFans with only feet pics."


7."I've cremated all my relatives against their wishes. Burial is just too much, man."

an urn

8."I once was involved in a university black market where they handed out past exam papers because our professor never handed out one for us to practice. I studied them with a friend of mine. A week after, it was the exact same exam word for word. Only the year changed. I memorized the answers by heart. I finished in 45 minutes, fucked around, and pretended to think for two more hours to avoid getting caught. I got a 95% in an engineering exam with a poker face."


9."I worked in a crematorium in the late '80s. We had a shelf in the back where we stored cheap plastic urns on. One night as I was sitting and waiting for one cremation to finish, there was a loud crash that scared the shit out of me. When I went back to look, the shelf had collapsed. I ended up just scooping the ashes back into the containers but never told anyone about it."


"You probably just created, like, 20 haunted houses wherever those mixed-up urns went."


10."I got my first boyfriend when I was 19. He was also 19. The relationship was incredibly toxic and abusive — the level of 'I'm not allowed to pick my clothes or friends or classes without his consent' kind of abusive. I was trapped for two and a half years. During that time, I was falsely accused of having a sexual relationship with my co-coach who was 45 at the time, when in reality, my boyfriend was cheating on me. So, when he wanted to lose weight, I told him I would cook for him. What he thought were healthy, chocolate protein shakes were actually full-fat chocolate shakes with about a cup of added sugar per serving (plus protein powder). He gained 40+ lbs over a year. I want to feel bad about it, but I had to call the cops on him for domestic abuse. So I don't."

chocolate protein shake with fruit

11."I like playing those cutesy cooking games on my phone. The ones that we used to play as kids on our computers. And I don't know, it seems embarrassing to admit as an adult."


12."My first love passed away seven years ago. We were supposed to travel to Belgium on vacation (and for further studies), but she never made it. To this day, my parents don't know that I used the funds from the trip for her (unfortunately) last chemotherapy treatment. That was why I studied and worked in Belgium for a couple of years: to carry on our dream together (even though I was financially and emotionally broke)."


13."I love my wife dearly, but she's one of the least intelligent people I know. She struggles with very, very basic things. Her whole family does. She's from a small town and wasn't exposed to a lot by her parents and their simple lifestyle. She's said a few things that maybe some people would find cute for how ignorant they were, but I just get a little more depressed every time."


14."I have a tin of cookies stashed away in a dark cabinet in the kitchen. You need a torch light to see inside around the corner."

a tin of cookies

15."I was 16, young, and crazy in love. My boyfriend (now husband) is very attractive. I had a bathroom in my room, so whenever he'd sneak in my room, we'd go to the bathroom and get to it. We've spent almost every night that year making love in my bathroom. Multiple times, my parents had to wait for me to finish 'showering' for an hour, but in reality, I was having my guts rearranged by my boyfriend."


16."One time, I took my shoes off in my office, and my coworker came in and said, 'Mmmm, I smell cheese. *Sniff* Yum.' I said, 'Yeah, I had a cheesy snack,' and he left. I never told anybody."

shoes off in the office

17."I don’t care which way I install the toilet paper roll."


"Holy shit, dude. There's a limit."


Do you have a really dark secret that you're willing to share? If so, tell us what it is in the comments below: