25 Weird And Out-Of-Touch Things Rich People Do That Prove They Live In Another Universe

There's a lot about the life of celebs and the super rich that seems like another world. And, TBH, we all have some curiosity and questions about what their lives are like — and why they do the things they do.

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So, here are just some verrrry specific things rich people do that Twitter users are hilariously pointing out:

PS: Be sure to follow these Twitter users for a funnier timeline!

1.Like, why do super rich people get free stuff...if they're super rich?

2.And, apparently, they're all getting pregnant right now:

3.Rich people also enjoy recommending things to people:

4.They especially love to give vague advice:

5.Rich people also like living far, far away from everyone else:

6.Specifically, rich people like living south of major cities:

7.They don't like brands like Gucci:

8.They enjoy being cold on vacation:

9.And taking cold showers:

10.Some rich people really appreciate when you pay for their things:

11.They love having houses with lots of bathrooms:

12.They REALLY like their money:

13.They like discounts:

14.They also like casually running for office:

15.Rich people enjoy working hard on their private jets:

16.And they like telling other people to just, you know, work harder:

17.Rich people also really love boats:

18.Yachts are second homes:

19.Rich people like spending their parents' money — and making sure you know about it:

20.They're always busy, too:

21.They love having huge rooms with very little furniture:

22.Their houses echo and everything:

23.Some rich people enjoy pretending to have wayyy less money than they really do:

24.Some even HATE when you call them rich:

25.And they'll never, never admit to being rich:

What are some other oddly specific things that rich people do? Let us know in the comments below.