Thousands Of People Are Petitioning To Move Halloween To The Last Saturday Of October

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Photo credit: Rawpixel - Getty Images

From Delish

This year, Halloween takes place on a Thursday, meaning 1) kids everywhere will be tired zombies at school on Friday and 2) adults everywhere will not be feeling great Friday morning, whether because of a candy hangover or an actual hangover. With this in mind—and a whole lot of other factors including kids' safety—I am here to let you know there's a petition online to change the date of Halloween from October 31 to the last Saturday of the month.

The petition, which lives on, was founded last year but has gained traction again as Halloween 2019 approaches. As of this post, it had 77,115 signatures and a goal of 150,000. Since it surpassed 75,000 signatures, it will be sent to President Trump's desk, per USA Today. The petition reads: "It's time for a Safer, Longer, Stress-Free Celebration! Let's move Halloween to the last Saturday of October!"

Among those who have signed, here are a few explanations as to why they're in the Team Saturday camp:

  • "It makes more sense to have it always on a Saturday so that we don't have to worry about getting the kids home and in bed early for school the next day. Also, for most people, they wouldn't have to worry about working that day or the day following."

  • "It sounded like a dumb idea at first, but I really like the thought of not having to have Halloween on a Thursday so we can all get as messed up as we want."

  • "Other holidays move to fall on a weekend every year... why can't Halloween? This day is for kids, it deserves a Saturday slot!"

  • "Lets more parents be able to get home from work and go trick or treating with their kids."

  • "I hate trying to figure out what day to trick or treat."

These comments raise a few good points: There's no reason Halloween has to be on the 31st. The holiday is rooted in the Celtic festival of Samhain, which is celebrated October 31 and November 1, however...I reallyyy don't think anyone in the States is thinking about this festival when they send their kids out for free candy.

A date change would also stop everyone from having to decide which day to celebrate, especially on the years when it falls mid-week and some overly excited partygoers decide to dress up both weekends. Truly, who wants that?! Plus, it seems like the worst day for teachers, so let's give them the break they deserve.

Clearly, the commenters have swayed me!

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