People Who Never Gain Weight Swear By This Simple Morning Habit

Woman who never gains weight doing her morning routine

When it comes to maintaining healthy habits, how you spend your morning matters. After all, the morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. Starting your day with one simple healthy habit can set in motion a cascade of other healthy habits throughout the day. 

Personal trainers specializing in weight loss agree that there’s one habit in particular that many people who never gain weight often start their day doing, and it’s one they recommend to everyone trying to avoid unhealthy weight gain. 

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The Simple Morning Habit of People Who Never Gain Weight

Natalya Vasquez, CPT, a certified personal trainer, health coach and founder of Bridal Bootcamp San Diego, says that when it comes to avoiding weight gain, the best morning habit anyone can do is eat a breakfast high in protein.

“Eating a nutritious breakfast that’s high in protein can curb cravings and help keep you satisfied for longer periods. Protein helps to satiate you, so if you frontload your day with nutrients, you’re less likely to pick at the office donuts or go through a drive-thru for a muffin,” she explains.

Personal trainer and OHM Fitness Director of Wellness Jason Sani, CPT, agrees, saying, “Your first meal sets the tone for your blood sugar and energy, which is related to willpower and decision-making."

Sani recommends eating a breakfast that has a combination of protein, fiber and healthy fats. That way, you’re sure to stay full for longer, which will reduce the likelihood of overeating later in the day. 

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Sani says that some examples of what this can look like include oatmeal with nuts and fruit, Greek yogurt with berries and seeds or eggs with whole grain toast and avocado. “Additionally, staying hydrated and starting the day with a glass of water can also support a healthy metabolism and help manage appetite,” he adds. 

Scientific research shows a connection between eating breakfast and avoiding weight gain. This is because, as both Vasquez and Sani have said, if you eat a nutritious breakfast in the morning, you’re less likely to reach for unhealthy snacks or eat bigger meal portions later in the day. 

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Other Habits That Can Help With Maintaining a Healthy Weight

If you are trying to avoid unhealthy weight gain, Vasquez says that it can also be helpful to start your morning with exercise, if your schedule allows for it. “If you schedule a workout first thing in the morning, you’re less likely to make excuses at the end of the day and skip out on your workout. After a long and stressful day at work or school, the last thing you may want to do is work out. If you make it a priority to exercise first thing in the morning before there’s a chance for the excuses to build, you’ll stay on track with your health goals,” she explains.

As you go about your day, Sani says to look for small ways to move your body, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or going on a walk while you take a work call that you don’t need to be in front of the computer for. He also recommends staying hydrated, explaining, “Staying hydrated can help with weight loss by keeping you feeling full and supporting your metabolism."

When it comes to eating snacks, lunch and dinner, Vasquez and Sani once again say to prioritize protein, fiber and healthy fats. That way, you’ll feel more satiated and less likely to consume “empty calories,” which don’t provide any benefit to the body.

Integrative culinary registered dietitian Tina Marinaccio, MS, RD, CPT, says that when you eat your meals and snacks, to eat mindfully, which means eating when you are hungry and stopping when you are full. 

Marinaccio also warns against skipping meals, a trap many people who are trying to lose weight fall into. “Skipping meals to save calories for later in the day and ignoring hunger cues will likely backfire with overeating later on. If you have dinner plans and arrive at the restaurant famished, you’ll probably demolish the breadbasket before everyone has had a chance to look at the menu,” she explains.

If you are trying to lose weight, Marinaccio shares that it can be helpful to tell the people you see regularly—like your family members and friends—about your goal so they can support you in your journey. That way, a friend may suggest meeting up for a neighborhood walk and lunch at a healthy cafe instead of an alcohol-infused happy hour or your spouse will know to keep your health goals in mind when grocery shopping, for example.

Remember that weight loss usually isn’t linear; it often fluctuates up and down and that’s okay. “Look for an overall trend over time and try not to focus on the day-to-day,” Marinaccio says, adding that this is especially important for those who are tracking their progress daily using a scale. 

It’s important to remember that avoiding unhealthy weight gain is about many small, everyday habits; not just one habit. Starting your day off with a well-rounded, delicious breakfast makes it easier to keep the healthy momentum going throughout the day. Over time, the healthy habits you do every day will simply become the way you live and not something that requires conscious thought.

Next up, find out how much weight is actually safe to lose in a week.
