People Are Mesmerized By This Hack That Lets You Pop A Hard-Boiled Egg Right Out Of Its Shell

From Delish

Hard-boiled eggs are a great, portable snack. Just ask Chrissy Teigen, who apparently enjoys them nightly! But if you eat them often, you'll know that peeling them can be a total pain. That's why one hack that claims to peel your eggs lickety split is going totally viral right now.

Twitter account Back To Nature shared a video with the caption "Eggxactly how to peel a boiled egg" which, well, whatever, great pun, I guess. The video shows someone putting a hard-boiled egg in a cup with a bit of water. They shake it around and then all of the sudden, give the egg a slight squeeze, and it comes shooting out of its shell, all clean and ready to eat.

People were equal parts amazed with the video for sharing such a cool hack, and angry at the person in it for NOT SHUTTING THE WATER OFF WHILE SHAKING THE EGG. The water wasting is infuriating, but you cannot deny the very cool nature of this egg hack.

As a few people pointed out, there are a few things to know before trying this yourself. Some said the water needs to be cold and the egg still needs to be hot so it's "shocked" out of its shell, while others said they used it on older eggs and it worked just fine.

Guess you'll just have to give this one a try for yourself! Think of how quickly you can pop out egg salad now! A nice hard-boiled egg on a bagel! The world is your, egg?

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