People Are Just Discovering This Wildly Easy Hack to Get Stale-Free Cereal, and They Can't Believe It

Regardless of your age, cereal is most-likely a staple in your household. From traditional brands like Kellogg's to newer items like the popular Tiny Fruity Cuties from Trader Joe's, there are so many options to choose from, it's easy to buy up more than you need. And as a result, be left with more than one half-eaten box of stale cereal.

If you find this to be the story of your life, TikTok has the answer for you. And no, it doesn't consist of you just buying less or trying out that trick of folding your box a certain way to keep everything fresh. Instead, it uses your freezer.

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In a now-viral video that has amassed 1.9 million views since its posting, content creator @kalyncoriano showcased her super-simple way to keep here cereal from going stale too fast: she puts it in her freezer. While the initial video just shows her going to the freezer to pick out the bag of her choice, pouring it in a bowl, topping it with milk and taking a large bite, it didn't stop everyone's jaws from hitting the floor when seeing what could be considered the revelation of a lifetime.

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"YOU CAN FREEZE CEREAL?" one person shockingly asked. "Okay…but why have I NEVER thought of freezing my cereal…" said another. The amazement seemed to continue on, but along with it came a bit of confusion as to why it was done. That's when one TikToker chimed in with the answer stating, "Cereal in the freezer keeps it from getting soggy fast and helps your milk stay cold." And, Kalyn confirmed this notion in a follow-up video.

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Claiming to not have had stale cereal in years by using this hack, Kalyn noted that it started because she got tired of everyone not closing the cereal boxes back up in her household. "My cereal never gets soggy anymore and my milk stays really cold and the cereal's even crunchier," she said. "My cereal is lasting me months; I haven't had to get cereal like over and over and over again in forever."

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So, if you're one of those people who feel like they're spending way too much money on cereal that doesn't stay around too long. This may be the way to solve that problem. Or, at the very least, it could be a pretty cool party trick to pull out and wow your guests with.

Up next: Can You Freeze Cream Cheese? The Answer Might Surprise You.