People Are Having The Most "Aha!" Moments After Discovering These Really Obvious Things They Never Realized

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I think it's safe to say that — at some point in time — we've all discovered something that should have been obvious but went completely over our heads. For example, the division symbol (÷) is a fraction with two dots representing the numbers. Well, Reddit user u/itsochepel recently asked people to share the "aha moments" they just realized. Below are some of the top responses.


1.Men's Wearhouse is a pun.


2."The Beatles are a pun."


3."Arby's is just a phonetic for R.B.s or Roast Beefs."


4."Birds don't live in nests. Nests are just where they keep their eggs. Birds just sleep in trees."


5."They call it footage because film is measured in feet."


6."Soft drinks are called soft drinks because they don’t contain alcohol. Hard drinks do."


7."Boxer shorts are the style of shorts that boxers wear."


8."That Bluey's parents' jobs are at the airport (drug sniffing) and an archaeologist (digging up bones)...BECAUSE THEY'RE DOGS."


9."Pipe cleaners aren’t just for arts and crafts. They’re also for cleaning pipes."


10."Some stripper poles rotate and are not fixed. I always just assumed the dancers spun around the fixed pole through incredible body strength."


11."Eminem calls himself Eminem because his name is Marshall Mathers. He was also required to spell it out prior to a record deal so he didn't get sued by M&M's."


12."I didn’t realize that in the song 'I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus' the DAD was in a Santa costume. I thought mom was committing adultery with a magical, fictitious old man."


13."That Alucard from Castlevania just means Dracula backward."


14."The phrase 'bottom of the hour' means 30 minutes past the hour because the hand is at the bottom of the clock."


15."It's called Astro Turf because it was used in the Houston Astrodome."


16."Will Smith and Jada Smith probably named their kids after themselves. Jaden Smith and Willow Smith. Why I never put that together is beyond me."


17."The Royal Family is named after Windsor Castle, not the other way around."


18."PetSmart is both Pet Smart and Pet's Mart. It's a play on words!"


19."Hazmat is short for Hazardous Materials."


20."Howdy is a shortened colloquialism of 'How do you do?'"


21."Percentages are reversible. 25% of 10 is also 10% of 25, the former is just easier to calculate."


22."The phrase ‘agree to disagree' means agreeing to disagree with each other and end the argument. Until yesterday, I thought it meant the person who says it is agreeing with your point just to end the argument, meaning I thought I’d won every argument that people have said this in."


23."Charcoal is wood, not rocks."


24."Not me, but I saw someone in my network post that they just realized 'fl. oz' on a container is not a Florida Ounce. They were confused why when they moved to Georgia the stores were selling things in Florida Ounces."


25."'Honk if you're horny' is because you honk a horn. So you're horn-y. It's not just 'beep if you want sex.'"


26."Donkey Kong is not in fact a donkey."


27."W = double U."


28."The phrase 'did you get your ears lowered' means you got a haircut."


29."I am pretty sure 'Be there or be square' means you're not around. Whether or not it's true, it still gets a laugh from me!"



So, were any of these surprising to you or do you have more that you recently discovered to add? Let us know in the comments!
