People Who Got Revenge On Their Cheating Exes Are Sharing Just What They Did, And It's Quiteeee Spicy And Dicey

We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community if they've ever gotten revenge on a cheating partner, and ooooooh, their replies were wild!! Sooo, let's dive in! Here's how some people got back at their cheating ex-partners:

1."My ex was a POS. He cheated with dozens of women. I found out, befriended the 'other woman,' and when he got her pregnant and ditched her, guess who became the new baby's favorite aunty? She is now one my best friends, and I met his baby before he did. Seriously, he was a POS, but since he has similar taste, his side chick and I got along AMAZINGLY."


2."My boyfriend invited me over to his 'homeboy’s' house while he was house-sitting. The place obviously belonged to a woman with a cute dog. However, I am terrified of dogs, and he had to put the 'friend’s' dog in the bathroom while I stayed over. A few weeks later, I notice him liking a lot of pics on Instagram. Lo and behold, there was a woman snuggling the same dog in the same apartment. I commented on a pic of the dog and said, 'Awww so sad we had to put her in the bathroom while you were away!' Needless to say, my boyfriend was dumped twice over in one day."


A dog on an ottoman
Grace Chon / Getty Images/Image Source

3."My ex's bank statement came and still comes to my email. Since we broke up, he's been wining and dining his new girlfriend; however, he was telling a judge that he couldn't afford an increase in child support payments to his baby's mom. So, I provided her with his bank statements over the last three months. She appealed and showed the statements to the judge, and he now has to pay double the amount of what was initially ordered to pay!"


4."Bleaching his clothes seemed so trite, so I took it up a notch and dipped a Q-tip in bleach and bleached my name into all of his underwear, then dumped all his stuff on her porch. I’m sure neither one of them forgot my name after that!"


Men's laundry
Robert Kirk / Getty Images

5."I commented his phone number on all the One Direction fan forums saying 'Harry’s number leaked.' He had to change his phone number three times."


6."I scrubbed the toilet with his toothbrush and then packed an overnight bag for him and told him to stay at her place."


A toothbrush
Bwfolsom / Getty Images

7."I found out that my husband had an affair with a coworker over the course of a few months. We had been having issues, but didn’t think they were to the extent of him needing to cheat. I had previously found him a therapist to potentially help him with some personal things, but he neglected to go because 'they had mutual friends.' When I found out about the affair, I reached out to the therapist, who happened to be attractive, and slept with him. Let’s just say he and my husband have more than mutual friends in common now."


8."I found out he hooked up with a girl he met on spring break in Florida. This was over 20 years ago, before social media and cellphones. The girl wrote him a physical letter and included nude photographs. I poured pickle juice all over the inside of his car, which he never locked because he lived in the country. I left the letter on his desk and put a Post-It note on top that said 'F YOU!'"


Jars of pickles
Antonuk / Getty Images/iStockphoto

9."He left his Facebook account open on my tablet. I gradually deleted his friends over a period of months so he thought no one liked him. I also superglued his front door lock and padlocked his back gate (and kept the key)."


10."Not me, but a woman I once met at a party. She found out her (now ex) husband was cheating on her, so she had all his suits taken in half a size. Apparently, seeing his distressed confusion was excellent."


Men's suits hanging
Fatihhoca / Getty Images

11."After I found out he cheated several times, we broke up. He was still using my Netflix account, so I waited until the show he was watching was almost finished. He had three more episodes left when I changed my password. It was a small thing, but it really made my day."


12."The ex-wife had Chevy calling me for payments on her car. When I told them she was no longer my wife, they said it was still my responsibility, so I asked them who was on the title, and they told me it was her and my best friend from kindergarten (who she was cheating on me with). I told them where she worked and when she was going to be there, and they went and repossessed her car. At the same time, I had her served by the sheriff's department with the divorce papers. What a day she had at work!!"


Divorce papers with a wedding band on top
Alecu Mocanu / Getty Images/500px

13."I signed his number and email up for business spams, and I put him on dating websites as a girl who just wants fun only, and said to send pictures to his WhatsApp. I booked him appointments for STD checks. I sent different religious communities to knock at his door to discuss conversion. I sent him an anonymous glitter bomb. Oh, and when he decided he wanted to see me again and go out on dates and tell me how much he was still in love with me, I sent all the messages to his girlfriend, who he cheated on me with."


14."I was with this girl, and I found out that she was still seeing her ex-husband. I took a day off work and came home when I knew she would be gone. She collected Barbie dolls. I packed my stuff in the car first, and then I dumped an entire bottle of syrup into all of her doll boxes. I closed each box so that it appeared that they were never opened. Since they were in the back of her closet, I imagine she didn't see them until the ant/insect problem came up. She called as soon as she came home and asked where I was and why my stuff was gone. I told her I would just leave that to her imagination and hung up. I never saw her again."


A jar of syrup
Chictype / Getty Images

15."I went to his place while he was at work, and his roommate let me in. I apologized to the roommate, as I stated that I was taking back all the items I had given him — dishes, glasses, silverware, linens, and the new shower curtain. Also, I put some freshly laundered shirts that he’d left at my house folded neatly on his now bare mattress, with the snipped off right sleeves of each tucked inside."


16."I gave his wife (not an ex, a very current wife) all the IMs we exchanged. It detailed all his lies and cheating for seven months. He told me later, when he called wanting me to forgive him, that I cost him an additional $600k in his divorce."


Stacks of cash
Pm Images / Getty Images

17."I slept with his hot uncle. Oops."


18."Not me, but this was a friend-of-a-friend who had been cheated on by her partner. Her ex-partner went on holiday, and the friend-of-a-friend put the garden hose under the bottom gap in the front door, turned on the tap, and OMG, what a mess after two weeks."


a water hose
Rjmiz / Getty Images/iStockphoto

19."I was cheated on, and then he brought her to my work for drinks. I worked with some loyal colleagues, and when he returned for his car in the morning, it was on its side. Sorry not sorry."


20."My sister is a QUEEN. She found out her boyfriend was cheating on her. He's one of these guys who LOVES his Levi's and loves them tight. She got into his apartment and removed the inner seam on every pair of jeans in his closet and then hung them all back up and left. I still wish I could've seen the look on his face when pair after pair ripped apart."


a stack of jeans
Ruslandashinsky / Getty Images

21."I found out that my boyfriend of three years was cheating on me with over 30 women. I decided to use his mugshot I found online to create 'wanted' posters. It read: 'Wanted: lost dog. Last seen: following a hoe. Tricks: lying, cheating, and manipulating. If seen, please contact your local health department to be checked for STDs.' I posted it all around his neighborhood and outside of the bar he worked at. He was MORTIFIED, and I have never laughed harder! Oh, and then I told him I hoped he got hit by a car...AND HE DID! He had to have surgery for a broken bone and everything! Best day ever."


22."I used cement glue and silicone to glue his car doors shut."


A person opening a car door
Dimitri Otis / Getty Images

23."I honestly suspected he was cheating for a while, but when I learned he was, it was still so infuriating, especially because he had been sleeping with my aunt! This was the kind of horrible story I would hear as a middle schooler and be shocked that these people even existed, and now it was my life. So, I decided if this was gonna be sordid, it was gonna be SORDID. I slept with HIS aunt. I don’t regret it."


24."Nothing too wild, but after my cheating boyfriend and I broke up, I signed him up for every spammy email list I could find. He was also the paranoid type, and after he decided to sleep around, I signed him up for some newsletters centered around treatment for STDs and what symptoms to look out for. You know, just trying to keep him responsible while hopefully ruining his morning."


An STI test
Jarun011 / Getty Images

25."I deleted every song and playlist off his Spotify account (he's a music lover), ordered over $100 worth of children's and romance movies on his Amazon account that was still logged in on my TV, and treated myself to a shopping spree with his credit card. The girl he cheated on me with contacted me and sent me a screenshot of the card. Oh yeah, and I keyed his truck on both sides."


26."Long after we divorced, I became close friends with one of her favorite football players who had retired. A couple of years later, I dropped his name to one of her friends to make sure she found out. I know it's petty, but it still makes me smile a little. She and I are still divorced. He and I are still good friends."


Football players on the field
Bernhard Lang / Getty Images

27."This is actually a story about a friend-of-a-friend who was cheated on by her husband. She found out when he was buying extra Christmas presents using their credit card. She found out that he'd been buying some early-20s girl in another state (they're in their early 50s, btw) clothes for raves and other stuff. We signed the husband up for Scientology emails/newsletters since they famously will not stop sending you information once they have your contact info. We found out the girl's Instagram was public and had her email in the bio, so we signed her up, too, which I do regret slightly because the husband was the cheater. Shortly after, the girl made her profile private and took her email out of her bio. The cheating husband has been kicked to the curb, and the friend-of-a-friend only has contact with him when they need to discuss their two teenage daughters."


28."My trashy ex-boyfriend cheated on me with a girl who had NOT known that he was in a relationship and was super nice, and she was very angry at him. We decided to team up and teach him a lesson. He had a major hoodie obsession and owned more than 15 hoodies, so we shredded every single one of them!"


Shredded clothing
Hemera Technologies / Getty Images

29."I sent his new girlfriend all the lovey-dovey messages he was still sending me. He didn’t like that AT ALL."


30."After being with a serial cheater for many tortuous years (I was younger than him and so in love, so I foolishly thought I could love him into being the perfect man for me 🤪), I am now getting my just desserts! His 10-years-younger-than-me nephew has been blowing my back out for quite a few years now! Apparently, I'm now a cougar! Rawr!!!"


Someone putting a "Do Not Disturb" sign on a motel door
Momo Productions / Getty Images

31."He cheated on me and still wanted to be friends, so I instantly blocked every single new girl he started to date on social media, and when they tried to look for me and couldn't, they got mad at him like he was hiding something. His next four relationships never took off after they fought about me."


32."In high school, I was dating a guy that cheated on me with multiple people at our school — one being his stepsister. He was a football player, and one night at the game, I went out to his truck and keyed it from bumper to bumper on both sides."


A woman keying a car
Howard Kingsnorth / Getty Images

33."We were together on-and-off for 20 years. I suspected he was cheating, and I was right. I ghosted him weeks before I found out through my best friend. I didn’t bother to ask for an answer and didn’t respond after he knew that I knew. They say revenge is best served cold: I had zero reaction (different from what he expected), lost 40 pounds (which felt like two tons after I stopped speaking to him), and I watched him make a fool out of himself with the woman he cheated on me with, who went back to her husband. He took me through hell, and three years later, I lost more weight, bought a new car, and got my dream job. His response to this? He hates me for making him look stupid."


34."I dated this guy for almost three years. About two years in, I found out he had cheated on me multiple times with multiple women. For some reason, I was stupid enough to believe him when he apologized, and we stayed together, but I never fully trusted him. About a year later, I saw messages and calls from some random number I didn't know, and he had the audacity to call me gross. So, we ended things. Five years later, I made a fake account on Facebook and got this man to start talking to me. He told me all about his new relationship and how great it was. Then, of course, he started flirting and asking me to meet. We talked for a bit longer as he dug himself deeper into his cheating hole. Then, he described, in great detail, what he wanted to do when we met."

"So, I screenshotted it all and sent it to his current girlfriend. Weirdly, he then reached out to me on Instagram to let me know his whole world imploded and he didn't have any clue as to why. Oh darn, did I do that?"


A heart on a hook
Peter Dazeley / Getty Images

35.Finally: "My best revenge is that I am now in a loving relationship, have multiple degrees, do something I'm passionate about, have a wonderful relationship with my family, live somewhere I love, have adorable pets and foster pets, and I am happy. Last I heard, he is divorced and unhappily single, in a dead-end job he doesn't like, broke, and honestly, I don't know what else because I don't pay attention to him."


DANNNGGG. So I'm just curious: Have you ever sought revenge on a cheating ex? What did you do?! Tell us your story in the comments!

Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.