People Who Are Good At Makeup, What Makeup Mistakes Are We Making And What Should We Do Instead?

I'm not the ~best~ at makeup, but lord have I come a long way from smearing pastel pink Claire's eyeshadow on my lids with sweaty fingers on the middle school bus.

Geistakranka / YouTube / Via

Still, there's always more to learn, and some of the best tips don't come just from makeup artists (though those are great too!), but people who love makeup and have come up with some tried and true methods!


So, calling all makeup-lovers — what's some makeup advice you think everyone who wears makeup should know? Maybe there's a major mistake you always see people making, like putting their contour and blush too low, or creating rings of concealer under your eyes rather than using dots.

Amy Schumer with unblended makeup
Comedy Central

Maybe you just want to share a beauty product that's basically a perfect dupe for a high-end product, or which products are worth the money and which ones aren't.


Or maybe you have some cool trick, like using a spoon as a stencil for your eyeshadow!

  NikkieTutorials / YouTube / Via
NikkieTutorials / YouTube / Via

Whatever your tip, advice, or recommendation is, let us know in the comments below, and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!

Feel free to add a photo if it'll help!