18 People Share How Their Situationship Ended And Some Of These Are Worse Than Any Break-Up I've Seen

Recently, a few people shared stories about how their situationship with another person ended, and they did not hold back. Well, now it's the BuzzFeed Community's turn, and they're sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly:

1."We were always on the brink of a relationship. The chemistry was intense, as was the compatibility, and he was the only guy I could be with in silence without it getting awkward. We have similar values and are both introverts. It ultimately didn't work out because he has mental health struggles that he didn't want me to suffer through. And he once drunkenly admitted that he's terrified of me walking away one day to where I'm not part of his life at all anymore. I said we could either try and I MIGHT walk away one day, or we'll leave things as is, and I'll DEFINITELY walk away. All in all, it took me nine years, but I ended up walking away this past summer because I couldn't heal and move on from him as long as he was still in my life."

"We said our goodbyes, wished each other well, and walked away without hating each other. I live thousands of miles away on a different continent now, and a huge weight has fallen off my shoulders. But he'll always stay with me like a ghost. I didn't think I had it in me to love someone almost unconditionally. Sometimes you love people you shouldn't, and in the endless space of that love, nothing else matters."


2."He rode away in the trunk of someone’s car to avoid talking about feelings with me."

Car trunk
Supergenijalac / Getty Images/iStockphoto

3."It started off innocent enough, but after about a year, feelings started to come to the surface. When I was certain that we were moving in the direction of a relationship and he declared his love for me, I found out he had been in a relationship with someone else the whole time and was a stepdad to a small child. It almost destroyed me. I told his girlfriend via text and she straight up called me a liar even though I had proof. Anyway, I walked away. He tried to come after me and it really messed with my head because I thought we had something special and he said we did yet he was with someone else. Not to mention that we worked together (different departments but the same company)."


4."It just fizzled out. No real reason, just life. It was clear neither of us was in it for the long haul, so we both let it happen. He got married a few years later. I have no idea what he's up to now as we have completely lost touch. I hope he's happy!"


5."We were friends with benefits for 10 years. He wanted to get married and have kids someday, so he got married. I’m not that upset about it. I was too independent and he wanted a woman who depended on him."

Bride and groom
Peopleimages / Getty Images/iStockphoto

6."There was so much back and forth, on his part. You want me, you don’t want me. I only ever wanted an honest conversation where we laid it all out there. He kept putting it off. Finally, I gave the ultimatum, for just a conversation. His answer was indifferent either way, so I walked away. He hasn't been in a good place for a long time, and I tried my damndest to help him, but you can't force something the other person is convinced they don't deserve."


7."I had his baby. Sixteen years later we are best friends and co-parents to our child. He ended up marrying my friend from high school and they have two kids of their own. I’m also married but have no other kids. We all get along and have even vacationed together. It's the best co-parenting situation for our son as he’s growing up with two very united parents, but with two families that adore him."

Parents with baby
Eyecrave Productions / Getty Images/iStockphoto

8."We really quickly realized we didn't want to be just friends who had sex. It's been over a decade now, and a lot of times he still seems like my very best friend, but there are a lot of 'downs' as well. I don't plan on getting rid of him, I guess."


9."We both agreed that we didn’t want anything serious and just a bit of fun but everything we did screamed relationship. I met his mom, we would hang out, go for dinners, etc. But then one day he told me he thought I was too emotionally invested, I told him I wasn’t, and we argued and then didn’t speak. He came crawling back after he found out I was in a relationship, telling me he wanted us to move in together and get a dog and I was like, 'Boy bye.' I've been with my current partner for eight years, and that argument was the best thing that happened."


10."I had feelings for him. This was no secret throughout the course of our whole thing, as we started getting involved with the intention of potentially becoming a couple. He was very manipulative and used my feelings and desire for a relationship in order to control me, indicating that he would only date a person who did this or dressed like that, etc. He demanded monogamy from me, but since we '[weren't] dating' and he was 'not [my] boyfriend' (as he frequently reminded me), he did not owe me the same. Things finally came to an end when he decided that I hadn't behaved properly — hadn't done the things he expected of me — and 'punished' me by canceling our plans for my birthday. At this point, I was devastated, so another friend took me out and knocked some sense into me about the whole thing."

Birthday cake
Ruthblack / Getty Images/iStockphoto

11."We dated seriously for about four months, but decided we just weren’t meant to be a couple, so we friendzoned with benefits for another five or six months. We would go out and shoot pool, do movies, drinks, dinners, etc., have a ton of fun together, and try to set the other up with potential partners, then go home and have some great sex. After a year of this, I decided that as much fun as we did have, we were holding each other back, and ended our friendship. A week later, I met my husband, and two weeks later, he met his wife. The timing was everything, and we have remained platonic but distant friends."

Cancel. Done. Starting Now.

12."I met this guy and enjoyed being FWB's with him for a while, even though he was a lot more adventurous in the bedroom than I was at the time. He asked me for a three-way with another girl he was involved with. I was nervous about it, but I decided to give it a go anyway. It was an absolute disaster on my part. I was so uncomfortable and so embarrassed after that night that I never met up with him again. We stayed Snapchat friends for about a year and a half and would talk every now and then. Suddenly, he unfriended me and I found out it was because he was now in a relationship with the girl we had a three-way with. I'm happy for them, but I still can't shake the feeling sometimes that I was used."


13."I wanted to be in a relationship with him, but he said he 'wasn't ready' despite all of his actions to the contrary. He always insisted that he didn't want to stop me from meeting someone. After a very long time of hoping he'd come around, I finally started seeing someone else. When he found out he was DEVASTATED, crying, the whole nine yards. I had already dumped the other guy. I told him the things I needed from him if he wanted to be with me. His behavior did a 180 change. Once he decided he was ready then he was all in. We've been married for four years now with a toddler. But ladies, if they say they aren't ready, BELIEVE THEM! Don't put yourself through the same agony I did."


14."My friend with benefits and I had great chemistry, but I never wanted to date him. He was a sweet guy, and I did care for him, but he always made the worst life decisions and then suffered the consequences every time, so I was glad we just stayed friends with benefits. The sex was amazing, and we saw each other for about two years, then I met my current boyfriend, and I told him we couldn't see each other anymore, so he and I just stayed friends. I miss him sometimes, but he's moved on and that's good for him. I hope he's made some better decisions in life."

Couple in bed
Flashpop / Getty Images

15."He got engaged (while we were still Snapchatting) and DM’d me his new fiancé's announcement. I had no idea he was even seriously dating someone and he didn’t have any posts with her on his pages before the engagement announcement. I’m glad they're happy, but I guess it’d have been nice to know we weren’t going to be meeting up again."


16."My last friends with benefits was on and off for almost 15 years whenever neither of us was dating someone else. We were both rebound sex and late-night wasted sex for each other, as well as sports-watching buddies. Oddly enough, we both moved nearby each other when moving to another area. I’m in a serious relationship now, and we play it cool when we run into each other at festivals. No hard feelings either way."


17."He said he wasn't ready for a relationship with anyone so we stopped seeing each other, only for me to find out soon after that he ended up with some girl whom he quickly married and she got pregnant. He later IM'ed me and said he wished he was with me instead of her. Too bad, so sad."

Email message
Алексей Белозерский / Getty Images/iStockphoto

18."We were friends for 10 years. He got married and forgot to tell me or invite me. I found out through mutual friends’ Instagram stories. We fooled around a couple of times but that was it. We weren’t in love with each other or anything."
