People Are Confessing Horrific Things Strangers Have Done To Them, And I For One Am Appalled

Recently, Reddit user u/Jemuzu8304 asked the Reddit community: "What's the most fucked-up thing a complete stranger has done to you?" Well, they didn't hold anything back, and revealed some pretty gruesome stories. So, here are the most horrific things strangers have actually done to people:

Megan Thee Stallion on "SNL"

Note: This post contains topics of physical violence and verbal abuse. Please proceed with caution.


1."One time I was in south Philly, and a car pulled up with two guys in it. They called out to me asking for directions, so I walked over. As I was explaining where to go, the dude in the passenger seat spit in my face, and then they sped off."


2."I was about 11 years old, and some friends and I were standing on a small bridge over a lake. All of a sudden, I was picked up and thrown over the railing into the lake below. I tried to grab onto anything I could as I fell, but I scraped my arms up pretty good (I still have scars 30 years later). So, I swam to the side, and some older kid came up to me and just said: 'Sorry, I thought you were someone else.'"


3."Some asshole tossed a lock (like the combination type) out of a car at me and hit me in the knee. I had trouble walking correctly for a month. I always thought if they had stopped at a light, I'd have hurled that bitch right back (good thing they didn't — I wasn't in any condition for a fight)."

Ted Danson in "The Good Place"

4."My grandmother was at the movies, and a guy walked up the aisle and punched her on the side of the head. He told the cops he was mad because he was on a bad blind date. Like...great excuse to wallop a 75-year-old woman minding her own business?"


5."Back in the '70s, I was riding in a car that my best friend's mother was driving on a highway. There was me, my friend, her brother, and a couple of other kids in the car. The age range for the kids was about 7 to 9 years old. It was a warm day, and my friend's mother had her window rolled down (no air conditioning). A car full of teenagers pulled alongside of her, and someone threw a full cup of ice water through the window at her. I got hit by it, too, because I was sitting in the front seat next to her. She managed not to lose control of the car. In retrospect, it was incredibly fucked up to try and cause a lady with a car full of kids to crash."


6."I work in retail, and once a customer jiggled my belly and said: 'I see the diet stuff doesn't work here.' I know it doesn't seem like much, but I keep coming back to it — it was just so invasive. It was an older guy who clearly felt he was being 'cheeky,' and would have been horrified if he felt his comment made me want to die. Fuck all customers."

Rihanna on "SNL"

7."I was sitting at a café with my then-partner. A man came up to our table, held finger guns at my temple, and whispered: 'I wish I fucking could.' Then he yanked my hair and rushed out (it was completely unprovoked). I've technically had more violent and scary things happen to me, but that's stuck with me for a really long time. I think it's because I had been having a lovely day up until that point. I was so excited to be sitting in a cute café, eating pie with my date, and now, I can't get the image of her face falling as she looked at the man out of my head. We went home after that."


8."A guy sneezed in my face on the subway, and after shitting on him verbally, he just shrugged and made it out to be no big deal. Since I couldn't do anything, I left to find another seat. Two days later, I had a temperature of 105.8 Fahrenheit — I had never been sick like that in my whole life. I'm still wearing masks in subways because of that shit."


9."I got a phone call from my wife's number — it was a random dude telling me my wife ran a red light and got t-boned. He kept saying: 'Yeah, she really fucked up, man.' It turned out the guy calling was the guy who t-boned her — he ran the red light. He was inebriated. I rushed over to the address he gave me — the cops and an ambulance were there. They let the guy drive off in his smashed-up truck, no insurance. Fucking jerk."

Jon Stewart on "The Daily Show"

10."One time I was walking to my car, and an old man approached me. He asked if the church bells ringing meant it was noon, and I told him that it was noon. Then, he asked me if I knew where the Jewish center was, and I said: 'I don't know — I'm protestant.' He yelled: 'IT SOUNDS LIKE YOU DON'T EVEN CARE!' Then I started running away, and he shouted: 'YEAH! YOU GET LOST AND GO FIND YOURSELF!'"


11."I was 7 years old when my dad took us to a Boston Bruins/Atlanta Flames game in Atlanta (it was around 1978). A drunk guy grabbed my hand and put his cigarette out on the top of my hand."


12."Someone from a different country was sitting behind me and sniffed my hair on the bus. I noticed some pulling, and saw some fingers in the corner of my vision when I turned my head. As soon as I realized someone was touching my hair, I stood up and looked back to see what was going on. He was looking right at me, scared and guilty."

Quinta Brunson and Janelle James at the SAG Awards

13."Some dude parked his 18-wheeler in the middle of the road and started walking into a Dunkin' Donuts. I told him to move his truck, and the guy ran to my car and started punching my drivers window, calling me a 'fucking liberal pussy.' Then, he stopped and rubbed his hand in pain, and I pointed and laughed at him, saying: 'Try the other hand now!' He said something else I didn't hear because I was still laughing, and he walked away. The cops came and gave the guy a summons and made him move the truck."


14."Someone tapped me on the shoulder in a club, and when I turned around, he head-butted me with all his might. Before I could even process what had happened, two bouncers got a hold of him and dragged him outside. I just stood there, dazed and confused with my nose pissing blood everywhere. I was led into a room by one of the bouncers and was given tissues to stop my nose from bleeding. He said to me that the guy had struck one of their guys on the way out, and the police were going to arrest him if I wanted to talk to them. I automatically said no, not wanting to be a 'snitch.' I never left my feet, and my nose wasn't broken — so, it wasn't really that big of a deal. But it lives rent-free in my head because I don't know who it was or why he did it."


15."I was walking home pretty late one night and noticed one of my new neighbors walking up toward me from the opposite end of the street. As we were passing each other, I said a friendly hello. In response, this grown man silently turned his ass toward me and let out the most repulsive, bombastic fart I had ever heard. I was too shocked to speak, to move, and defend myself — he didn't even say anything. He just calmly walked into his house afterwards. As far as I'm aware, he still lives there, and I've never gotten an explanation from him."

Julia Louis-Dreyfus on "Veep"

16."I was walking home from school when I was a kid. Two boys who I'd never met before were behind me and threw a rock straight into the middle of my back. All I remember is them laughing about it, and approaching me saying something along the lines of 'they wanted to beat me to impress a girl who was with them.'"


17."I was out at a bar in my mid-20s, and my friend started talking to this girl. I let him do his thing for a while until he included me in the conversation and introduced me. The girl took one look at me and said: 'If you're going to have any chance with a girl like me, you have to lose a few pounds and shave that goatee.' I was completely stunned. I had some very unkind words for her and eventually told my buddy to take her home. That was over 10 years ago, and unfortunately, that moment has stuck with me for a long time (and probably contributes to why I have trouble meeting girls while I'm out). I've dealt with rejection before, and it hurts, but that comment hit me to my core."


18.And: "I work at a hotel as a housekeeper. Yesterday, we had a baseball team checking out, and I had a bunch of their rooms on my list. The rooms were reasonably messy, nothing too bad. But the last room…they trashed the place. Trash was thrown everywhere and hidden in some places, food was grounded within the carpet, there was piss on the bathroom floor, and there were greasy hand prints on the windows and mirrors. The whole shebang. This was shitty, sure, but what made it fucked up was how they tipped me. They dragged a chair into the middle of the room, faced it toward the door, and left a stack of fake 100 dollar bills on the seat in plain sight."

Taylor Swift on "The Graham Norton Show"

Note: Some stories have been edited for length and/or clarity.