The FBI's Active Shooter Survival Video Is Going Viral, And People Are Disappointed That It Has To Exist

Gun-related deaths are on the rise in the US and, according to the BBC, the same can be said for gun-related violence and mass shootings. It's a harrowing reality, and one the FBI felt moved to address in this recently resurfaced video that previously served as a training for members, but can now help anyone who finds themselves in an active shooter event.

In the clip, which amassed over 2.3 million viewers when it was re-uploaded to Twitter last week, everyday patrons can be seen visiting a bar. Then, an argument heard in the background soon rises in tension before gunshots start ringing.

  FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation / Via

Three main characters are followed throughout the ad, each of which represent the FBI's key suggestions: run, hide, fight.

  FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation / Via

Our runner is a waitress who rushes toward the exit when the shooting starts. She instructs other frantic bargoers to leave out of a nearby door at the base of a staircase before breaking the fourth wall to tell viewers, "Running makes you harder to hit and improves your chances of survival."

  FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation / Via

Safely outside, the waitress is approached by police with their guns raised. They ask where the shooter is, and she's quick to detail his location and a concise description of his clothes. "Empty hands up and follow their instructions," she tells viewers.

  FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation / Via

Inside, a woman on the floor can't make it to the exit because it now falls within the direct line of sight of the shooter. So she and a small group head for an open office nearby and barricade the door with office furniture. "In the meantime," she says, "turn off your phones and make a plan to defend yourself."

  FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation / Via

Lastly is a group of three guys who tried to hide behind the bar, but soon realize they'll have to change tactics as the shooter's footsteps near. "We have to fight to survive," our narrator says. "If we control the weapon, we control the shooter."

To emphasize his point, he rattles off instructions to his hiding mates. One will try to secure the shooter's arms, one will use a fallen object to hit the shooter in the head, and he gives himself the job of wrestling the gun away. 

The video is tense, comes with a warning for viewer discretion, and can be tough to watch. And the response? Well, it's wide ranging. "The fact that I need to watch this video and fear for my life in any daily circumstance is disturbing," one Twitter user wrote.

The fact that I need to watch this video and fear for my life in any daily circumstance is disturbing.

— Dr. Jacky (@drjacky_fit) May 9, 2023

Twitter: @drjacky_fit / Via Twitter: @drjacky_fit

This opinion was expressed by many who agreed it was sad that mass shootings have become so prevalent that the video is necessary. "That is the most infuriating and horrific thing I've watched," another user added. "I'm not mad that they made it, I'm mad that it has to exist at all."

God help us. That is the most infuriating and horrific thing I’ve watched. I’m not mad that they made it, I’m mad that it has to exist at all.

— Rev. Caitlyn 💫 (@caityjo_d) May 9, 2023

Twitter: @@caityjo_d / Via Twitter: @caityjo_d

Elsewhere, people on the internet reminded everyone that stark instructions like this may feel new to them, but students have been learning from these examples for years. User @suzma_gooz drove this point home when they shared, "Everyone horrified by this needs to realize this (run, hide, fight) is exactly what is being taught to children in lockdown drills."

Everyone horrified by this needs to realize this (run, hide, fight) is *exactly* what is being taught to children in lockdown drills. 5-year-olds.... "Better survive or it's your own fault"

— Suzma Gooz (@suzma_gooz) May 11, 2023

Twitter: @@suzma_gooz / Via Twitter: @suzma_gooz

Outside of children, workers in the service industry have also had to prepare for the worst. "Had to watch something like this at my grocery store job," this person shared. "It was much more graphic and realistic. Got my heart racing."

Had to watch something like this at my grocery store job. It was much more graphic and realistic. Got my heart racing.

— MonicaB 🥨 (@monpeasch) May 9, 2023

Twitter: @@monpeasch / Via Twitter: @monpeasch

And finally, there was a flood of responses that likely mirror your thoughts. Namely, videos on how to survive a mass shooting are doing the heavy lifting where gun legislation should be.

— Dave Jorgenson 🍕 (@davejorgenson) May 9, 2023

Twitter: @davejorgenson / Via Twitter: @davejorgenson

How do you feel about the clip and its existence? Let me know in the comments.

And for more tips on how to survive an active shooter event, visit