People Are Calling Out Their Friends For Ruining Their Vacations, And The Stories Will Shock You

Vacations with friends can either be a hit or a miss. We recently asked the members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us about their most drama-filled vacations with friends, and they did not hold back:

A group of friends driving in a car with one passenger with a bloody nose
A group of friends driving in a car with one passenger with a bloody nose

FXX / Via

1."My friends and I went to New Orleans, and on our last night, one of the three in the group wanted to call it a night early. The remaining two did not, so we offered to return to the Airbnb with her and then go back out or call her an Uber. She freaked out and caused a scene on Bourbon Street saying we were leaving her and vowed to lock us out of the Airbnb (that I paid for). We came home three hours later, and she was awake and locked the door with the deadbolt. We knocked repeatedly while she mocked us and refused to open the door for two more hours, stranding us on Bourbon Street until 6 a.m. Once we landed back home, I never spoke to her again."

Maddie from 'Euphoria' banging on a door
Maddie from 'Euphoria' banging on a door

HBO / Via


2."I went on vacation with a former friend once and rolled my ankle while visiting her family; it swelled up pretty badly, and I couldn't walk on it. The next day, she insisted we stick to the itinerary of hiking, which I couldn't do. She left me at the trail's start and hiked without me. I'm not friends with this person anymore because everything always had to be about her, and she had no empathy for others."


3."I went on vacation with a friend to visit my brother in Florida for his college graduation. My friend was supposed to help DD all the college grads, but instead drank way too much whiskey and got us kicked out of the bar because she was rudely pushing people. She then proceeded to throw up in the car, inside a graduation gift my brother had received. It was a mess! We stayed friends for another two years after that, but I never traveled with her again!"

Ryan Howard from "The Office" with a speechless face
Ryan Howard from "The Office" with a speechless face / Via


4."When I was in college, I had a friend pay to take myself and another friend on vacation. He somehow managed to make it something worth complaining about. He had picked up a side hustle in school that had netted him a lot of money (though I still question how ethical that hustle was). The trip quickly became only about him and him throwing money around, I assume in an effort to impress us. Instead of it being about us all having a good time, he was only focused on doing what he wanted to do. Toward the end of the trip, despite us thanking him multiple times, he got upset with us for 'not being grateful enough' for him footing the bill. Meanwhile, my other friend was sick half the trip, and I was doing my best to not strangle the one who brought us along."


5."I went to a music festival with a small group of friends, and I was staying in my own hotel room. My group and I were coordinating our day over group text, and there was a particular segment of the festival I wanted to attend but that the rest of my group would be late for — so I went ahead to the event, and when my group arrived, one friend in particular asked where I was because they were waiting outside. I said I was inside because I'd gotten there early, which sparked an entire division within the group for the rest of the event. Apparently, one friend decided that I had not been loyal by getting to the venue early for the show instead of waiting on them, and we spent the rest of the festival in a divided group between the friends who agreed with me and the friends who agreed with the other person. I still can't believe how petty it all got."

A reality show couple sitting in a confessional saying "Petty. Just so petty."
A reality show couple sitting in a confessional saying "Petty. Just so petty."

WeTV / Via


6."I went on a trip to New York with two friends who had never been before. We only had two keys for the apartment. One girl would stay out all night long partying with dudes while her partner was back at home. I didn't care if she wanted to stay out and party all night, but take a key with you! We constantly had to wait for her to get home so we could go out and enjoy our day. She was incredibly selfish and entitled the whole time, and we made our flight home with ten minutes to spare. I was absolutely livid."


7."I went on a trip with my 'best friends' for my birthday. On this trip, after two super fun nights, I ended up tearing my meniscus. I didn't know it at the time, but I was on crutches and couldn't walk. We had an eight-hour car ride home, and my friend's tire burst on the way home. It was getting dark, and we were in the middle of nowhere, so we were just going to put the spare on and go to a mechanic the next day. Turns out, unknown to the rest of us, we were driving on the spare the whole time! Torn meniscus, stranded in the middle of nowhere, high tensions with everyone. When we finally got back home, two of the girls fully ghosted me. I got surgery and everything, and neither of them reached out to me. When confronted, they told me I had 'unrealistic expectations' for friendships. Needless to say, *Charlie Puth voice* 'we don't talk anymore.'"


8."On a trip to Puerto Rico to visit my family, I had invited a close friend to stay with me at my aunt and uncle’s house. She had been fighting with her long-term boyfriend the entire trip via text/phone calls. It started to get really awkward when she was flirting with my cousin. This trip progressively gets worse because her attitude is too much, and she’s complaining the whole time. A few days later around 5 a.m., I wake up to get some water after a particularly fun night at the strip club. I walk downstairs and see some heads bobbing around. I look over, and it seems she decided to dry hump my cousin and make out with him. After that happened, we grew apart, and I felt guilty holding on to the secret of her cheating on her bf with my cousin. Since her bf was also my best friend. Two years later, we still don’t talk, and my cousin and I have established boundaries on making out with fellow friends."

woman with a shocked facial reaction
woman with a shocked facial reaction

PBS / Via


9."I had a friend in college who was an excellent person to share any and all misery with — always a witty complaint to be had. I booked a week in Europe with her and discovered that the complaint aspect of her personality was, in fact, a permanent setting. She bitched in France, she bitched in Italy, she bitched in Spain, and she sure as hell bitched at the airport in between the other bitching. I couldn't believe it. I suppose we'd never been anywhere fun together before, so it was my bad in hindsight."


10."It's 2014, I'm taking a roadtrip to Quebec (about six hours, no biggie) for a music festival with four of my friends that we've been planning for months. During those months, I became close with a girl we'll call A. The problem didn't really start until the final day of the fest, when it was, in fact, ME who caught herself a 'festival boyfriend.' He approached me (over a mutual interest in one of the bands, who woulda thought?), and the way she would literally shove her body in between mine and his to demand his attention was almost comical. He wasn't buying it, and would just sort of circle around her and back to me. She lost interest in 'my' catch of the day once she realized that the friend he was with was heavily intoxicated and started pursuing him instead. So gross."


11."One of my friends’ parents rents a beach house for a week every summer, and they allowed her to invite me and our other best friend to come one time. I got horrifically sunburnt on the first day, and she and our other friend would not stop laughing at my red and blistering skin. They also teased me until I was in tears because I mispronounced a word in my second language — I’m nearly fluent in it, while they barely speak a few words. Even when I left the room to be by myself, they followed me and made fun of me until the mom made them leave me alone. The next day, we were all napping until I heard their car leave the house. I looked out the window and saw my two friends leaving. I texted to ask where they were going, but they left their phones at the house. When they came back, they simply said they wanted to go to the beach without me. It’s been years, and I’m over it now, but I don’t know which hurt more — the sunburn or their words."

Ross from "Friends" walking  inside an apartment with a severe sunburn
Ross from "Friends" walking inside an apartment with a severe sunburn

NBC / Via


12.And finally, "My husband and I went on a trip to Hawaii with another couple. We went as friends, but left as enemies. We wanted to go back to a restaurant that we enjoyed. The other woman was driving and ended up cussing out someone because they took the last parking spot. She's mad and driving, and we're freaking out thinking we're about to wreck. We end up going back to the condo, and she yells at us because we were upset about not getting to go back to that restaurant. My husband and I leave to look for food and end up eating sandwiches from a gas station. The plane ride back was awkward."


Submissions may have been edited for length/clarity.