People Believe This Zookeeper's Explanation of Harambe's Death Is the Most Logical One on the Internet Right Now


From Cosmopolitan

“I am going to try to clear up a few things that have been weighing on me about Harambe and the Cinci Zoo since I read the news this afternoon,” Amanda O'Donoughue’s May 30 Facebook post begins. After explaining she worked with gorillas, her favorite animal, as a zookeeper in her 20s, she “[lists] a few facts, thoughts and opinions for those of you that aren’t familiar with the species itself, or how a zoo operates in emergency situations.”

Harambe was a 17-year-old gorilla who was killed this past weekend by the Cincinnati Zoo’s Dangerous Animal Response Team after a 3-year-old child crawled into the gorilla enclosure and was seized by Harambe. “We are heartbroken about losing Harambe, but a child’s life was in danger and a quick decision had to be made,” a statement from the zoo explained after Harambe’s death and the subsequent viral outrage that came with losing a beautiful and endangered animal, regardless of the reason.

O'Donoughue agrees with the zoo’s decision and mentions that after watching the video several times, “it’s pretty much the stuff of any keeper’s nightmares”:

Harambe was most likely not going to separate himself from that child without seriously hurting him first (again due to mere size and strength, not malicious intent) Why didn’t they use treats? well, they attempted to call them off exhibit (which animals hate), the females in the group came in, but Harambe did not. What better treat for a captive animal than a real live kid! They didn’t use Tranquilizers for a few reasons, A. Harambe would’ve taken too long to become immobilized, and could have really injured the child in the process as the drugs used may not work quickly enough depending on the stress of the situation and the dose B. Harambe would’ve have drowned in the moat if immobilized in the water, and possibly fallen on the boy trapping him and drowning him as well. Many zoos have the protocol to call on their expertly trained dart team in the event of an animal escape or in the event that a human is trapped with a dangerous animal. They will evaluate the scene as quickly and as safely as possible, and will make the most informed decision as how they will handle the animal.

She also notes “we need to really evaluate the safety of the animal enclosures from the visitor side” to prevent Dangerous Animal Response Team from having to make this kind of incredibly difficult decision ever again. O'Donoughue concludes by mourning the loss of Harambe, calling the situation a “tragedy all around.” Since she put the above post up, close to 1 million people have shared it and tens have commented on it thanking her for the thoughtful and experienced explanation.


Jane Goodall has also weighed in on Harambe’s death calling it “a devastating loss to the zoo, and to the gorillas.” Meanwhile, police are investigating the boy’s family to determine if charges need to be made for the boy being able to get into the enclosure, and his mother has defended herself multiple times on Facebook. The boy is at home recovering well from minor injuries.

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