Pennsylvania's Largest Ski Resort Reporting 12+ Inches Of New Snow

Blue Mountain Resort, Pennsylvania's largest ski resort by vertical drop, has issued a powder alert today, February 13, 2024, after 12 inches of fresh snow fell overnight.

The storm is expected to continue throughout the day with the potential for 3 to 7 inches of additional accumulation, according to NOAA. Check out the photos of the fresh snowfall on Blue's webcams this morning:

<p>Credit: Blue Mountain Resort</p>

Credit: Blue Mountain Resort

View the 3 images of this gallery on the original article

Compared to the last couple of seasons, Winter '23-'24 has been an exciting one for skiers across the Mid-Atlantic.

They've faced their regular share of warm temperatures and rain (as to be expected), but multiple storms, thanks to the prevailing El Niño weather pattern, have already deposited more snow than the last couple of years combined.

Blue Mountain's neighbors weren't spared from the storm either. Check out the reported snowfall totals of notable resorts as of 11:15 AM ET.

Bear Creek Mountain Resort: "Almost 8 inches"

Camelback Resort: "9-12 inches"

Jack Frost/Big Boulder: 12+ inches

Montage: 4+ inches

Shawnee Mountain: 8+ inches

8 inches of snow might not seem like a big deal to western skiers, but when you consider that the entire Poconos region averages less than 50 inches of snow throughout the season, you can bet there are powder hungry skiers from Washington D.C. to New York City taking off work today.

Powder chasing skiers and snowboarders enjoy the fresh snow at Camelback Resort (11:30 AM ET)<p>Camelback Resort Webcams</p>
Powder chasing skiers and snowboarders enjoy the fresh snow at Camelback Resort (11:30 AM ET)

Camelback Resort Webcams

As a ski-obsessed kid from Delaware, my Dad took me out of school on multiple occasions to chase every inch of Pennsylvania Powder. Some of my fondest skiing memories are waking up at 4AM to score first chair at Camelback or Jack Frost.

To all of you fellow Mid-Atlantic skiers, go get some! Natural snow storms, especially ones that produce this quantity of snow, are a rarity.

As the Managing Trending News Editor for POWDER Magazine, I grant you permission to take off work, skip school, and cancel all of your plans in the name of skiing.


Blue Mountain Resort Trail Map<p>Blue Mountain Resort</p>
Blue Mountain Resort Trail Map

Blue Mountain Resort

Blue Mountain Resort Stats/Info:

Vertical: 1,082 ft.

Skiable Terrain: 171 ac.

Average Snowfall: ~50 in.

Lifts: 15

Trails: 40

Snowmaking: YES

Night Skiing: YES

Mega-Pass: Ikon

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