Pennsylvania Bookstore Shares Sad News of Their Resident Cat's Passing

It’s never easy losing a friend—and for the owners of one Pennsylvania bookstore, they’re mourning the loss of one of their own. His name was Zak, and he was the bookstore cat.

Zak always enjoyed lounging with people while they read books or browsed the titles at the store. He played with people, made them feel comfortable, and above all made them smile when they came in.

In the three years that Zak was the bookstore cat, he made thousands of friends, according to the bookstore staff on TikTok. It’s so sad to hear that he has left us—but those memories he made with all of his friends and the staff at the bookstore will last forever.

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This sad news will always serve as a reminder to hug your beloved pets a little closer each day, for you never know when will be their last day. The tough fate that having animals brings is that they may unexpectedly pass on before you’re ready for them to leave for good.

Zak surely always made people smile when they saw him, and he provided comfort to people when they would come into the store. It’s a beautiful thing that the store did to provide a bit more of a personable experience for its customers.

There’s no denying that Zak was special. He had a bridge that spanned the top of the shelves to a counter down below. He must have had such a great bird’s eye view of the entire store. He could be the one to keep an eye out for shoplifting customers for sure!

Zak was a really handsome cat that was loved by many. We’ll never know his origins for sure, but he left such a mark on this bookstore and its patrons. He will be missed by many.

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