How Peggy Mitchell saved Barbara Windsor – and EastEnders – from the gloom

The late Barbara Windsor as Peggy Mitchell - BBC
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London’s East End, both real and fictional, is in mourning following news of Dame Barbara Windsor’s death, aged 83. From saucy Carry On infamy to cosy EastEnders familiarity, she was one of our best-loved and most quintessentially British actresses.

Shoreditch-born Barbara Deeks, a real-life East Ender, took the stage name Windsor in 1953, inspired by the Queen’s coronation. She went onto become screen royalty herself. The cultural landscape is a duller, greyer place without her irrepressible personality and immense talent.

Windsor began her career on the stage during her teens. She was an acclaimed theatrical actress long before Carry On and EastEnders came calling. She received a Bafta nomination for 1963 kitchen sink film Sparrows Can’t Sing and a Tony nod the following year for the Broadway production of musical satire Oh, What A Lovely War!

Yet it was the long-running Carry On film comedies which made her a household name. So familiar became Windsor’s image that she was soon recognisable from her silhouette alone – a pocket rocket with a bikini-busting bosom and towering blonde beehive.

She became best known for Carry On Camping’s al fresco aerobics scene, when her swimsuit top pinged off (in classic Carry On style, toplessness was implied but in fact, little flesh was seen). She starred as the archetypal “good-time girl”, all earthy glamour and mischievous giggle, in eight more films in the franchise between 1964 and 1974.

The then-Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, visited the iconic Queen Vic pub where Peggy was landlady - BBC/PA Wire
The then-Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, visited the iconic Queen Vic pub where Peggy was landlady - BBC/PA Wire

For TV viewers, however, she will be forever remembered as Walford matriarch Peggy Mitchell, the role with which Windsor became synonymous for the latter half of her life. Pint-sized force of nature Peggy was a big-hearted East End publican, a tough cookie with a soft interior, who became notorious for rasping “Get outta my pub!” to anyone who dared cross her path. She could reduce grown men to quivering jelly with her sharp tongue and ferocious temper.

What many fans forget is that originally, Peggy was played by someone else entirely. In 1991, actress Jo Warne played her for 10 episodes. When the Mitchell clan’s female figurehead was reintroduced three years later, she’d been recast. Abandoning their policy of hiring relative unknowns and needing a lighter touch in a period when the programme had grown too gloomy, BBC producers took the gamble of a big name to boost ratings. Viewing figures duly rose by 5m. Windsor went on to become a key cast member for 16 years.

Windsor was initially scared to audition. “I didn't know how to do soap acting,” she said. “I was so used to using my hands, my eyes.” However, she welcomed the chance to "play my own age for a change”. She later said of landing the role: “I was thrilled, I could rest my tired bones working on a marvellous TV show that I deeply respected.”

Barbara Windsor, leaving London Airport for her first visit to the United States  -  PA
Barbara Windsor, leaving London Airport for her first visit to the United States - PA

Windsor said that three people influenced her portrayal of Peggy: her own mother, actor Mike Reid (who played her on-screen husband Frank Butcher) and Violet Kray, mother of the notorious gangster twins. She’d had a one-night stand with Reggie and a longer affair with his elder brother Charlie. She used her inside knowledge of the fearsome family to give her portrayal of Peggy an edge and bring gritty authenticity to the role.

With Windsor still burdened by her Carry On baggage in the popular imagination, her casting was a risky move at the time. It paid off handsomely and reinvented Windsor for a new generation. We’d never seen her quite like this – older but not necessarily wiser. It gave both the series and the actress a new lease of life.

Peggy might have stood just under five feet tall but her personality was as towering as her hairdo. She was the consummate bubbly landlady – tottering around on high heels, talking about “faaaamily” and calling everyone “darlin’”. As mother to bald-headed hardman brothers Phil (Steve McFadden) and Grant (Ross Kemp), plus wayward daughter Samantha (played by both Danniella Westbrook and Kim Medcalf), she was both a meddler and a cheerleader.

Peggy Mitchell (Windsor) had her work cut out keeping her sons, Grant (Ross Kemp) and Phil (Steve McFadden), in order  -  Kieron McCarron/BBC
Peggy Mitchell (Windsor) had her work cut out keeping her sons, Grant (Ross Kemp) and Phil (Steve McFadden), in order - Kieron McCarron/BBC

The huge affection which the character became held was all the more remarkable because, whisper it, Peggy often wasn’t terribly nice. Sure, there were mitigating circumstances – she’d been a victim of violent abuse at the hands of her first husband, Eric – but Peggy was pig-headed, prejudiced, quick to slap people around the face and forever feuding.

She had memorable catfights with arch Albert Square rivals Pauline Fowler (Wendy Richard) and Pat Butcher (Pam St Clement), especially when she discovered Frank’s affair with the latter. Who can forget the pair’s glass-flinging, table-flipping fight ("You bitch!", "You cow!”) or the hilarious scenes when the love-hate “frenemies” got drunk in an ice cream van?

Peggy was invariably hostile to her thuggish offspring’s love interests - reserving special hatred for femme fatale Sharon (Letitia Dean). Yet still viewers loved her, thanks to Windsor’s well-rounded portrayal. With her fast-talking feistiness and flash wardrobe, Peggy combined brassiness with vulnerability.

Peggy Mitchell's (Barbara Windsor) rivalry with Pat Evans (Pam St Clement) crackled  
Peggy Mitchell's (Barbara Windsor) rivalry with Pat Evans (Pam St Clement) crackled

As her sister Sal (Anna Karen) said: “Peggy’s had to fight her whole life to keep the show on the road. Every time a problem presented itself, she’d put on her slap and a big smile, and work that bar as if she didn’t have a care in the world.”

Her bark was worse than her bite. As the character deepened over time, we saw her softer side in her tender affair with Frank and her warm relationship with her beloved sons. She could forgive them anything – which was fortunate, because there was much to forgive. Prone to being blinded by love, her marriage to villainous brother-in-law Archie (Larry Lamb) saw the Mitchells lose The Queen Vic.

Viewers fully clutched Peggy to their hearts when the character was diagnosed with breast cancer - a long-running storyline which saw her overcome her fear of hospitals, undergo a mastectomy and breast reconstruction. Such a nuanced character did Peggy become that was also able to grow, evolve and learn from her mistakes. Chastened by her health scare, she made amends with HIV-positive pub regular Mark Fowler (Todd Carty), against whom she’d once launched a hate campaign. She asked Mark’s forgiveness and became one of his closest confidantes.

Barbara Windsor after she was made Dame Commander of the British Empire in 2016 - John Stillwell
Barbara Windsor after she was made Dame Commander of the British Empire in 2016 - John Stillwell

Ever opinionated, Peggy was persuaded to stand as an independent candidate in the local council elections. It was in this capacity that fact met fiction in 2009 when a certain Boris Johnson appeared in the show as himself, visiting Walford and conversing with Peggy. "It was a tremendous honour to step inside that most venerable of London landmarks, The Queen Vic, and share a scene with another of the capital's icons, the fabulous Barbara Windsor,” said the then-London Mayor.

In Windsor’s skilled hands, Peggy Mitchell became one of the great characters of British soap opera, as synonymous with Albert Square as The Queen Vic itself. After semi-retiring in 2010, she made a surprise and deeply moving comeback in early 2016 to properly complete Peggy’s story. A week-long run of episodes saw her bow out of Walford forever. Her swansong marked the end of an EastEnders era but she was sent off in style.

Returning to Albert Square, Peggy admitted to son Phil that her cancer had returned and this time, she wouldn’t win the fight. These scenes were secretly filmed and the storyline was planned with Windsor’s own input. So momentous was the occasion that The One Show aired a live segment from the soap’s set, with Windsor looking back on her 22-year stint and introducing her final episode.

After settling old feuds with Dot Cotton (June Brown), Stacey Slater (Lacey Turner) and even Sharon, a Dickensian scene saw Peggy chatting to the spirit of her old pal Pat Butcher (calling her, with trademark sharpness, "a mad old tart"). Peggy promptly decided that she wanted to be remembered as a strong woman, not an invalid, so took a lethal overdose of pills and died in her sleep.

The storyline was subtitled “Last Orders” and there wasn’t a dry eye in the public house.

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