15 Examples Of "Girl Code" Women Are Saying They Swear By

Girl code is an unspoken set of social rules that women follow when it comes to interacting with other women! Every girl's code of conduct can vary slightly, but most women still have a set of standards that are common and EXTREMELY important among every group.

Madame Noire saying "Two Words, Girl Code"
Madame Noire saying "Two Words, Girl Code"

iOneDigital / Via giphy.com

Recently, an anonymous user posed the question, "What girl code do you stick by?" to the AskWomen community on Reddit. Women were quick to sound off about what rules are a MUST to follow to better support one another!

Here's some of the most commonly expressed girl code rules from the thread:

1."Letting them know if something's out of place, or if they have a boogie or crumb on their face, little stuff like that. A lot of women won’t tell you because they think it's rude (or they want you to stay that way to make themselves look better). It's not what you say; it's how you say it."


"When I was in college, a classmate was wearing an outfit (a matching top and bottom set), and it still had the tag on it. Since I could see it, I walked up to her sitting in her chair, whispered what I noticed, and she was very thankful. I don’t remember if she tore it off or tucked it in, but either way, I knew the tag itself was not something she intended to sport that day."


2."If you see someone hating on themselves, like really being mean to themselves, be kind and lift them up. A kind sister could change someone's life. It may not be girl code, but there is something so amazing about hearing a woman older and wiser than you tell you that you are capable, amazing, or some other compliment. Woman code: Help lift each other up. Don't compete."


3."Build up other women at work. Say things like, 'Sue is great at spreadsheets, let's ask them for help. They have mad people skills, let's ask for their advice.' Especially build up other women to management and to customers."


A close-up of Lizzo saying "If we support one another, we rise together"
A close-up of Lizzo saying "If we support one another, we rise together"

Girls Who Code / Via giphy.com

4."Never leave them alone at a party."


"If we came together, we leave together. I’m NEVER leaving a function without my friend, and no, you can’t go off with that cute guy you met. Get his number, and you’ll see him LATER."


5."We pee TOGETHER."


6."If a woman seems uncomfortable or is being approached by a creepy guy, [we're] instant besties, and I have to talk to them right this second, preferably between them and the creepy guy."


Sutton Foster saying, "Don't even think about it" as Liza Miller in "Younger"
Sutton Foster saying, "Don't even think about it" as Liza Miller in "Younger"

TV Land / Via giphy.com

7."Always give a girl in need a tampon, even if they're your worst enemy."


8."If a dude is acting uncomfortable, crazy, or aggressive around a woman who's alone or a service worker, I always stand nearby to see if they need me to help get them out of the sitch, or be the backup and pretend I’m their friend that knows about their boyfriend, etc."


9."Uplift women in the bathroom — be it helping a total stranger glue on their falsies, then wishing them a fabulous evening, fetching the over-turnt girlie some water, or giving the heartbroken chick a genuine compliment and a cig."


"This right here. The realest scene in She-Hulk was when she was in the bathroom at the club and these other women all came in, saw the state she was in, and immediately swooped in and started cleaning her up. One even brought out a spare pair of shoes because she had lost hers. I was laughing so hard during that scene, and my teenage son was just sitting there wondering what he was missing, lol."


She-Hulk raising a glass and saying "to a good time, during a hard time"
She-Hulk raising a glass and saying "to a good time, during a hard time"

Marvel Studios / Via giphy.com

10."At a gas station late at night, I always wait 'til the other only girl there leaves."


11."There are never enough hands. Reach out to help when you see a woman who is overwhelmed in any way. It's always going to invite good karma back to you."


Jennifer Coolidge saying, "I only have four hands" as Tanya McQuoid in "The White Lotus"
Jennifer Coolidge saying, "I only have four hands" as Tanya McQuoid in "The White Lotus"

HBO / Via giphy.com

12."When around their partner, never behave in a way that will make your friend feel uncomfortable. Meaning, for example, don't be flirtatious."


13."Usually, don’t date your best friend’s ex."


Gretchen Wieners saying, "OK, irregardless. Ex-boyfriends are just off limits to friends."
Gretchen Wieners saying, "OK, irregardless. Ex-boyfriends are just off limits to friends."

Paramount Pictures / Via giphy.com

14."In addition to the other stuff mentioned, there's a mom code. You have a crying baby and your hands are full? Hand me the baby. Ran out of diapers and I have a spare? I'll give it to you. Need someone to talk to your 3-year-old for a minute while you change the baby? No problem; I'm right there. I'm instantly alert to the signs of a distressed parent in public and try to always offer help, even if it's just to play peek-a-boo with a crabby kid for a minute as a distraction."


And finally, this user wrapped up the most important girl code rule to always remember...

15."In the end, we're all in this together."


Although the details of our girl code may vary, there's always common ground in understanding that no matter what, women support women! And that's on what?

6 friends dancing around in their pajamas with the words "GirlCode" over it
6 friends dancing around in their pajamas with the words "GirlCode" over it

MTV / Via giphy.com

Have any girl code rules that are a MUST for you that you don't see here? Please share it with us in the comments below and let us know! 👯‍♀️