Paul Basagoitia Completes Half Marathon on Foot

Paul Basagoitia is a former professional freerider who was paralyzed after a crash at Red Bull Rampage in 2015.

In a heroic story, Basagoitia was able to recover his ability to walk and in 2024, eight years after his crash, walked an entire half marathon.

In this video, Paul tackled a half marathon on foot.

Paul Bas has an incredibly inspiring story. After his crash, Paul was told he may not walk, let alone ride again. Against all odds, Basagoitia was able to recover to the point where he can ride mountain bikes with the help of his e-bike. Watch his heartwarming recovery video here.

Paul’s recovery and e-bike were featured in a touching final segment of Teton Gravity Research's feature film Accomplice. Watch the segment below.

These days, Paul is known to live life to the fullest. See Paul Bas Party with Dwight Howard at Burning man below.

Related: NBA Legend Dwight Howard Spotted Partying With Pro Rider At Burning Man

We at BIKE are stoked to see Paul’s progress.

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