Pastor's Corner: The steadfastness of God in an ever-changing world

My wife and I went on a trip to see our son and his wife. They live in Alabama and we were gone for two weeks. When we left our lawn was just barely green. But when we got back we now have the nicest batch of yellow flowers and tall grass you ever saw.

When we pulled into our driveway, I was reminded of how true it is that life goes on. It seems that nothing ever remains the same. As a pastor and wife, we have moved to a few different churches. When we would go back for a visit, things had changed. People grew older, the children were now teens or young adults. The surrounding area even seemed to be different. Life goes on and even if we are not aware of the change, change happens. Of course, that is as it should be, the ongoing process of life.

What is constant and does not change are the promises of God. God himself is an ever true and permanent foundation upon which we can rely. Even though life is constantly changing we can know that He will always be present waiting for you and me. Waiting for us to make our commitment to His Son, Jesus Christ. To accept Jesus as our personal Savior. To call upon Him to make our lives better. I like the picture found in the book of Ezekiel chapter 37. It’s called the valley of the dry bones. To read about how God uses the picture of dry bones as an illustration of the lost condition of people. How he brings life into old bones. (Just a side note. I wonder if God can bring life to my old bones? It’s something to consider but probably not.)

Well before I get permanently side tracked, it’s this picture of a loving God who desires to bring change into our lives. He loves each of us so much that His Son, Jesus Christ was willing to go to the cross for each and every one of us. He brings life to our dry bone condition. He gives new purpose to us as we gain an understanding of life in the presence of Jesus. Ezekiel speaks of the dry, rattly old bones as they come to life. In these verses we see the description of how these old bones are renewed and given a renewed purpose. Today we are given the chance of renewal in Jesus.

Like always, I would challenge anyone who reads these words to find a Bible preaching, Bible believing church this Sunday and listen intently to the message and challenge. To follow through and investigate what life is like with Jesus as your Savior. To surround yourself with other believers who can love and guide you in your spiritual growth.

Well, my lawn is still waiting and needs my attention it seems to grow without me, so I guess I had better get at it. But consider these words, this may be your time to grasp onto something that is permanent and will never change. Yes, life is ever changing but God doesn’t.

This article originally appeared on The Petoskey News-Review: Pastor's Corner: The steadfastness of God in an ever-changing world