What to Do If Your Partner Has Coronavirus, According to a Doctor Who Self-Quarantined

From Oprah Magazine

It goes without saying that the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has already had a huge impact on people's lives, from how, where, and whether we're working, to what we'll do with all this time in self-quarantine. It's challenging enough to manage "corona anxiety" day to day while social distancing, but what happens if you think your partner or family member actually has the coronavirus?

While scientists are still learning about the coronavirus, including how to effectively treat it, there are symptoms you can look out for, as well as ways to self-isolate from someone who may have been exposed to avoid getting sick, too. These tips come from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and someone who knows firsthand: Dr. Thomas Kirsch, MD, a physician and public health expert who had to self-quarantine after a possible exposure to COVID-19.

If your partner is exhibiting symptoms—or has been able to take a test, and it's positive—know that leaving to stay with other family or in a hotel is advised against by health officials. "The CDC recommendation for now is that if you are already exposed to a known case, you should self-quarantine," Kirsch says. In your own living space, at home.

Look for common symptoms.

These are the mild symptoms that have presented in novel coronavirus cases, per the CDC website and Harvard Medical School:

  • Fever

  • Body aches

  • Nasal congestion/runny nose

  • Sore throat

  • Cough

According to Dr. Kirsch, the majority of healthy, non-medically-vulnerable people infected with the coronavirus will have mild symptoms that can be managed at home. If your partner is experiencing mild symptoms, they should call the doctor before they even consider going there in person—informing the office ahead of time if they have a fever or cough.

"Frankly, you don’t want to go to the hospital if you don’t have to," Kirsch says. "That’s where the sick people are, and they’re going to be really, really busy."

Make sure your family member gets lots of rest and stays hydrated with plenty of fluids. Continue to monitor their symptoms to make sure they don't get worse. If they take regular medications, do your best to make sure they've got a supply.

Regarding OTC remedies to keep a fever down and stay comfortable, French Health Minister Olivier Veran recently voiced concerns that ibuprofen could actually worsen symptoms. Dr. Kirsch says that while acetaminophen, aka paracetamol, "is preferable" to ibuprofen for the time being, he's seen zero evidence that the ibuprofen risk is real—and as of March 18, the World Health Organization (WHO) agrees.

If your partner is medically vulnerable, monitoring symptoms is even more important. People over the age of 65 or with certain pre-existing conditions are at particularly high risk for a life-threatening case of the coronavirus: Per the CDC, "8 out of 10 deaths reported in the U.S. have been in adults 65 years old and older" as of March 19.

If someone you love is experiencing symptoms, call their doctor if they are older, pregnant, and/or have:

  • Heart disease

  • Diabetes

  • HIV

  • Lung disease, such as asthma

Not everyone who has tested positive for the coronavirus has shown symptoms, however. When Idris Elba announced that he has the coronavirus on March 16, he said he was asymptomatic "so far."

Further, it can take anywhere from 2 to 14 days for someone who has been exposed to the coronavirus to start showing symptoms, according to the CDC. The organization bases that estimate on previous incubation periods for another viral respiratory illness, the MERS-CoV. And it bears repeating: If your partner does have symptoms, it's even more important that your family stays home to avoid exposing others.

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If someone is having trouble breathing, seek medical care immediately.

This applies whether or not your partner or family member is high-risk. The CDC has named several related warning signs that warrant calling 911:

  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest

  • New confusion or inability to arouse

  • Bluish lips or face

"If you have a cough that progresses to feeling short of breath, you need to see a doctor," Dr. Kirsch advises. "That is the sign of severe infection." The CDC also notes that their may be additional warning signs as new cases arise, so it's important to have a medical professional assess any lung-related issues.

Getting your partner tested may not be possible.

Ideally, Kirsch says, we would be testing everyone in the country to assess how large the exposure is, and how COVID-19 has been spread. But as the Wall Street Journal reports, "overwhelmed" state and local governments only have enough coronavirus tests for the most vulnerable among the population.

"Because of the still-limited testing available in the U.S., we need to focus our efforts on those who are highest-risk," Kirsch says. "For the average person who has a cough and a fever, no one’s going to give you a test, and all you do is clog up the system."

Of course, as the CDC writes, "there is no specific antiviral treatment recommended for COVID-19" as of yet, even if you did test positive. Monitoring your family member's symptoms, staying in contact with their doctor, and seeking medical care for urgent symptoms is their advised course of action for now.

How to quarantine a sick family member at home.

"Most of us will just have to remain at home with our cough and maybe fever," Kirsch says, of those who may have the coronavirus. "You have to stay away from your own family and pets. Plan on it."

When Dr. Kirsch realized he had to manage his own possible exposure, he self-quarantined to avoid infecting his wife (after several days Kirsch was able to get a test as a medical worker, and was fortunately negative). He's the first to admit this takes work and a lot of resolve. "After 8 days, it sucks," he says. "And I’m a physician and epidemiologist."

However, Kirsch knew it was necessary to follow the CDC's recommendation for home isolation, and here were the rules he followed.

  1. Your partner or family member must stay in a separate bedroom. If your home has more than one bathroom, keep those separate as well. "If they must leave the room, they should hand-sanitize first AND wear a mask," Kirsch urges. "Ideally, shower first, also."

  2. They should wear a mask whenever possible. A regular surgical mask, not an N95 respirator (a much-needed supply for medical professionals working on the front lines of the crisis). “You don’t want to spread it, so if they have a mask, they should wear it," Kirsch says. "But wearing a mask for a long time is unpleasant, your mouth gets weird." A bandanna will also do in a pinch, he says. "There’s been studies showing that in reducing droplets, a tissue did almost nothing, a crooked arm was better, and something like a dish towel is even better.”

  3. No touching. Seriously. "No handshakes, hugs, or even elbow bumps," says Kirsch.

  4. No visitors, either. This should go without saying, but even close family members outside the home should opt for a video chat.

  5. Sanitize "high touch" surfaces frequently. Kirsch said he kept a rag and a spray bottle of diluted bleach around to wipe down sinks, all handles, light switches, and computers to minimize exposure risk in shared spaces.

  6. Keep their laundry pile separate, too. Wear gloves to launder their dirty clothes and sheets, and the CDC advises using the warmest water possible. Since disposable gloves are in short supply these days, Kirsch recommends regular rubber gloves (bonus forearm protection).

  7. Wear gloves when bringing them food, or saying "hi" from a 6-foot distance. In Kirsch's home quarantine, their gloves were kept outside the door of his room next to a bucket of diluted bleach water. "Dip them in the bleach water when you leave, Kirsch advises, and after taking the gloves off, "sanitize or wash your hands in the bleach-water before going back into the rest of your house."

  8. Share nothing. If your partner does use the kitchen, they should handle all of their own dirty dishes (and keep wiping down those surfaces!).

As your loved one continues to monitor their symptoms, as always, keep washing your hands and avoid touching your face. With the correct care, you can keep the rest of your household healthy, and reunite with them sooner than later.

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