Parrot's Excitement Over Waiting for 'His Kids' to Get Off the Bus Is Precious

When folks get a joyful 'welcome home' greeting from a pet, it's almost always a dog leading the welcoming committee. As you'll see in @ziggytherainbowchicken's recent popular TikTok video though, pet birds can give a greeting that's just as heartfelt and sweet.

Ziggy is a colorful parrot called a sun conure native to South America, but clearly, he's right at home with his loving family. In fact, he can't wait to greet 'his kids' as they get off the school bus for the afternoon!

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Aww! These kiddos must be so happy to have such a special greeting when they get home from school. We don't know how regularly Ziggy helps welcome them home, but we just know it lights up their faces whenever they see him. Just think of what a pick-me-up that would be after a difficult day!

"I like how he flock calls," commented @princesssparkleboots, "then double checks the sky for hawks like a safety check." Isn't it the sweetest thing? Flock calling is a way that birds check in with one another to confirm everyone's safety (or even to reassure a lonely bird that they're not alone), so Ziggy must really consider them to be family!

Judging by bird owner @materialgorl93's comment, she definitely agrees. She wrote, "I have two sunnies and they do the exact same thing when they visit my dad in he care home. They know their family." That's adorable! It must be so special for both this commenter's dad and the kids in this video to receive such an excited greeting. That's the definition of love right there!

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