Parrot's Communication with Mom After Getting Pinched in Aviary Door Is Incredible

Northeastern University researcher Jen Cunha runs Parrot Kindergarten, an online workshop where parrot parents can engage in an online platform that offers video training modules for parrot owners.

She also has an absolutely amazing TikTok account @Parrotkindergarten and recently she uploaded a video where her cockatoo Ellie tells mom what is wrong with her after she got pinched in the aviary door.

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It's so sad she insisted on cancer because her parrot sister died from cancer in 2020. What an amazing bird she is! TikTok users agree and @Rin comments, "I’m sorry but her insistence on cancer is killing me." @Sadboi adds, "‘Ouch - types of ouch - cancer’ took me ouuutttt." @Emma adds, "me when I google my symptoms and assume the worst." @l15 says, "Ellie, we all have to learn at one point to not google our symptoms." LOL, True!

Check out the next amazing video where she decides she wants a dragon!

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This is just too amazing and adorable and she clearly deserves a dragon!

Parrots are such incredibly smart creatures and studies have shown that the African grey can perform some cognitive tasks at levels beyond that of 5-year-old humans. Some parrots can count, name colors, and even distinguish between different traits, such as smaller vs. bigger.

If you'd like more information about the work that Jen Cunha does with her brilliant birds you can visit her website here.

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