Parrot Who Sounds Like a 'Maniac' Leaves Owner's Remote Co-Workers Puzzled

This makes for some interesting work calls.

By now we've all adapted to the remote work lifestyle, but that doesn't mean the days are easier. In fact, we could argue that working from home presents itself with all-new distractions that we haven't experienced before. The biggest distraction is of course our pets.

Our pets like to think we're there to play with them the entire day now that we're working from home. We want nothing more than to do that, but someone's got to pay the bills. So when we say no, they cry and cry and cry and even cause a scene while we're on a work call. Just take a listen to what TikTok user @ticoandtheman goes through with his parrot.

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LMAO! We've all been here before. Ok, well, maybe not at this level. Our pets are at least a little calmer and a lot quieter We need to start appreciating our less vocal pets from now on!

"You live with a broadway diva warming up for his next performance," said @shenanakins. Exactly! Just as this TikToker working, so is this bird. Practice makes perfect! Maybe he needs to be quieter on calls so he doesn't disrupt this bird's work. LOL!

"I salute every human that lives with parrots. Your patience is remarkable," commented @delph9550. We thought having a playful dog was rough, but man, this is way worse. LOL! @ponceygrowler added, "I have three Amazons. Only when I am on the phone do the three of them vocalize their entire repertoire and scream!" HA! They somehow always know to start being loud at the most inconvenient times.

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