Parrot’s Adorable Way of Walking Across the Floor Gives ‘Star Wars’ Vibes

If you're a Star Wars fan, you are not going to want to miss this video that Lala&Dobby shared in gives total Star Wars vibes! Dobby is a Caique parrot who seems to have the run of the house and when he walks from room-to-room, he does it in a very distinct way.

The video is relatively short and shows Dobby walking through a room in the house. Well, not really walking but more like marching. His head is high, and shoulders are back (if he had shoulders). He looks like he's in charge. Make sure your sound is on because Dobby walks to the beat of a popular Star Wars song that fans know and love!

The music made the whole thing so much funnier! In the caption, Lala&Dobby's human writes, "Darth Dobby the Emperor. The King of Caiques. Sith of the Parrots. Praise Lord Dobby!" Commenters got a kick out of the video. @yogijoelf said, "Perfect music for this. Looks like he means business." @Chipo laughed, "Darth Parrot LOL!" and another commenter added, "Needs a Darth Vader helmet!"

Related: Tabby Cats Walking Where 'Star Wars' was Filmed Is Epically Magical

Facts About Colorful Caiques

There's no doubt that colorful Caiques are beautiful parrots, and they're also very intelligent ones. Like most birds they enjoy music and love to as this Caique learned to moonwalk - it's adorable! Caiques love to stay busy and are very active; you'll definitely want to have toys and puzzles to keep them occupied when you aren't around or else, they get destructive. They love dancing, wrestling, and enjoy taking baths and showers.

Many people think that all parrots talk, but that isn't the case. Caiques are not a parrot known for their talking skills, although they do like to mimic sounds and noises that they hear. They may not be able to 'talk' like an African Grey or Amazon parrot, but they are just as noisy! They love attention, and one way they get it is by being vocal.

Because Caiques are very intelligent, and they can be very stubborn and headstrong. If you let them out of their cage to wander around like Dobby does, you may have a hard time getting them back into the cage. Also, if they don't know boundaries of what they can and can't get away with, they may become nippy. My family had a parrot growing up, and those bites hurt!

After doing some research about Caiques, most of what I read mentioned that if you're a first-time bird owner, a Caique may not be a good bird to start with. If you're considering a pet bird and have little or no experience with birds, you are probably better off starting off with a canary, cockatiel, or a finch. If you're set on a parrot, both cockatiels and parakeets can learn to talk, and won't be as high maintenance as a Caique.

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