Park City Mountain Resort Extends Ski Season

The Spring Equinox is today, and on that note... Spring skiing!

Park City Mountain, UT, is certainly part of this celebration, announcing (alongside their 60th season announcement) that their new closing date will be Monday, April 22nd, a week later than normal.

A post to Instagram wrote, "let’s keep the party going! Our new closing day will be Monday, April 22. We are excited to offer more than 1,400 acres out of both base areas to ski, ride and enjoy for an additional week."

"Our final day of the season will be our 60th Sendoff with a community celebration, live music, commemorative giveaways and lifts running out of Mountain Village. And yes, 3 Kings will be open."

Watch footage of a skier riding up 3 Kings chair at Park City Mountain below. 

Park City Mountain has a base depth of 96 inches and has received 348 inches so far this season. In the last 7 days, the resort has seen 14 inches.

Friday and Saturday call for scattered thunderstorms, so enjoy the pow now. And, officially, until April 22nd.

Related: NOAA: Winter '23/'24 Was The Warmest In America History

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